Year 3/4

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

It’s been a very busy and exciting couple of weeks for the 3/4 students!


Last week we had a dress rehearsal for Mr. Blue Sky where we performed for Scoresby Village Kinder. After this, we had a whole day of rehearsals at Rowville Secondary College, followed by our performance night. It was wonderful to see all our students encouraging each other and pulling together at rehearsals, and seeing all their hard work come together on the night. We extend a huge thank you to Mr Boyd and Miss Crofts for putting together the production and making it a memorable night filled with joy and excitement for our students. A notice went home last week with details on how to purchase a video of the production on a USB if you want a lasting memory.


On Monday, unfortunately, we had to postpone our excursion to ACMI. We know that students were excited to perform in front of the green screen, but it was necessary for us to put their safety first in light of the severe weather warnings. We have spoken to ACMI, who were very understanding, and rearranged our excursion for Monday 9th December.


Today we had a lovely Father’s Day Breakfast Club to celebrate all the dads and father figures in our lives. Everyone enjoyed tucking into yummy food and spending time with the special people in their lives. It’s always wonderful to be part of these community events.


Last week we sent camp forms home. All the coloured forms need to be completed and returned to classroom teachers, and the white form is a suggested packing list for you to keep. These forms need to be returned before the end of term. We can’t wait for our stay at Camp Oasis in Term 4!


Finally, we’d like to make our Year 4 students aware of the JET@S program at Scoresby Secondary College. This is the Junior Excellence Tuition at Scoresby initiative which will be held after school in Term 4 and is based on research into the relationship between student engagement and learning. More details are provided below.


From the Level 3/4 Team 

Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Sue Hartley



What We Are Learning



  • Camp Forms - please complete all coloured forms and return them before the end of term.


Try This...

Find the right spots for the green numbers to complete the equations correctly.


Production Rehearsals And Performance Night


JET@S - Junior Excellence Tuition at Scoresby

Father’s Day Breakfast Club