Student Awards

Student of the Week 16/08/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
P1E | Charlie | For having an amazing week of learning. You are working hard in both Literacy and Numeracy and producing some great work. You are keen to participate in class and always give 100%. Well done Charlie!! |
P1M | Lilly | For trying your very best during our literacy block. You have been working hard to write a complete sentence, inclucing a captial letter and ending punctuation and you have grown in confidence during class discussions, given all learning tasks 100% effort. Well Done! |
12C | Zac | For working hard in all areas of your learning. You have shown that you are a dedicated student who tries his best at all times. Keep up the great work, Zac! |
34R | Jessie | For developing positive work habits and always giving her best effort. You are a pleasure to have in 3/4R Jessie. Keep up the great work! |
34S | Bella | Bella, I have been so impressed with your efforts creating some highly individual poems which allow your writer’s voice to really shine – the book you have created is just excellent! |
56H | Jason | For working hard on all tasks this week. You have made relevant and insightful comments during class discussions and done your personal best on a range of tasks. Keep up the great work, Jason!
Music | Declan | for playing and reading all the musical parts of “Rollin’ in the Deep”
L.O.T.E Auslan | Jemma | For being respectful and always ready to learn. Jemma requested to learn signs that she missed the previous week. Great attitude Jemma!
Student of the Week 22/08/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
P1E | Ella | For great participation in our book week dress up day. You made a great ladybird and joined in well with all the different activities during the day. Well done, Ella. |
P1M | Khaja | For settling well into your new classroom. You are participating in all activities and making so many new friends. Well done on a settled start at N.P.S. |
12C | Jersey | For always trying your best and working hard in all areas of your learning. You also looked AMAZING as Thelma the Unicorn on Wednesday! Keep up the great work, Jersey. |
34R | Lane | For showing enthusiasm and good sportsmanship during the athletics practise sessions. Keep up the great work Lane! |
34S | Skye | A week of positive learning – it is always fantastic to see you really getting stuck into your work Skye! Great effort! |
56H | Tiana | For demonstrating patience and persistence with your maths tasks this week. You successfully applied mental maths strategies such as doubling to solve problems. Keep up the great work Tiana!
56HB | Thegn | For completing one of your three goals for term 3, you were able to follow instruction in visualising the text and creating a crazy alien that is now displayed in our class. Amazing work, Thegn |
Science | Hunter For outstanding work for the topic of Sustainability on Mars, this student was a quiet and productive team member. Congratulations to Hunter. | |
Art | Lexie | For focus, exploring creativity and being an amazing role model in the art room. |
Values Rohan | Eloise | For always being a polite, confident, hard-working student, who always strives her best to excel in all classroom learning tasks and sporting activities. The Values Award this week goes to Eloise. |
L.O.T.E Auslan | Leddi | For always being ready to learn in Auslan. Leddi has a positive attitude and smile, and often offers to help out in class. |
Other | Kayden, Zavier, Levi, Dustin, Kelvin, Jacob, Jake, Jacob, Jake, Lenny | For a fantastic team effort at Benalla this week in the AFL 9 A side Competition on 20th August 2024– you represented our school with great attitude and spirit – a day to remember! |
Student of the Week 30/08/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
P1E | Lily A | You are making great progress with your reading and writing. You are always eager to learn and participate in all learning task. Well Done Lily |
P1M | Hannah | For your excellent work across all areas. You are engaged in your learning, asking questions and helping others around you. It is great to see you cheer on your classmates when they have success. Keep up the great work! |
12C | Lyric | For working well during our maths lessons this week. You have shown confidence in your learning, and you have persisted with your tasks. Keep up the great work, Lyric! |
34R | Belly | For having positive work habits and working confidently in all learning areas. Belly is a quiet achiever who tries hard to reach her personal best. Keep up the great work Belly! |
34S | Mason
| It has been a remarkable week for you Mason – you have been very punctual, you have smashed BODMAS and you improved your Lit-Pro Lexile score by 173 showing you to be a highly proficient reader! |
56H | Dustin | For always adopting a positive attitude towards your learning, facing all situations with a great sense of humour, and always accepting others for who they are. You’re a great student and an amazing young man. |
56W | Annie | For being a fabulous part of our class, you have shown yourself to be a kind, caring and supportive friend to all and are always willing to give a helping hand at any time. Keep up the great effort, Annie.
Music | Declan A (from Week 6)
Indy (from Week 6)
George | for playing and reading all the musical parts of “Rollin’ in the Deep”
For showing great leadership in Choir and leading and learning both the lyrics and body percussion parts in Wellerman
For playing really well in the Drum Circle and learning all marimba parts for Havana.
Values Rohan | Jacob and Thea | For the wonderful way you supported your team-mates in today’s Debating Grand Final – you were so responsible, caring and respectful. |
L.O.T.E Auslan | Khaja | For always being ready to learn. Khaja listens carefully and works hard to learn new signs to share with others.
Other | Fiona and Stevie | For exhibiting brilliant behaviour and attitude travelling to Melbourne and rehearsing for the State Spectacular – you represented our school so well! |
Aussie of the Month August 2024
Aussie of The Month – August 2024 | |
P1M Harper | For consistently having a go and being a bright and bubbly member of our classroom. You start every day with a smile on your face and you are determined to have your best go at every task. |
P1E Lottie | For consistently being engaged in all learning areas. You always put in 100% effort and are helpful to others. You are kind and polite and make good choices inside and outside the classroom. Excellent effort Lottie. |
12C Bobbie | For being a kind and caring student. You have a positive attitude towards your learning, and you are a helpful member of our classroom. Well done, Bobbie! |
34R Bonnie
| For being a kind, considerate friend to her classmates. She always gives 100% effort in everything she does and strives to achieve her personal best. Well done Bonnie! |
34S Fiona
| Fiona, you have lots of friends in the class who love your kindness. You are always ready to give things a red hot go and you are always involved in activities and competitions at our school. Well done Fiona! |
56H Jake E | For being a kind and caring friend with a great sense of humour. You are hardworking in class, strive to achieve your personal best and take responsibility for your own learning. |
56HB Maddi B
| For always coming into school with a smile and ready to learn. You have shown great progress and dedication to your high abilities maths group with also doing extra work outside of it. Great work, Maddi. |