Wellbeing Wrap Up

Last week our school acknowledged Are U Okay Day. All students participated in an activity in their TRIBES session.
A lot can happen in a year, a month, a week. Whether it’s your friend, family member, colleague, partner, or teammate, the people you care about go through life’s ups and downs every day. By having regular, meaningful conversations, you build trust and normalise talking about what’s really going on, so when the people in your world find themselves struggling, they know you’re someone they can talk to. So whilst R U OK?Day on Thursday September 12 is our National Day of Action, we encourage you to Ask R U OK? Any Day of the year because a conversation could change a life.
You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener.
Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
- Ask R U OK?
- Listen
- Encourage action
- Check in
Our Prep-2 students discussed what does it mean to be a good friend and the difference between a friend and a good friend. Students created a ‘Wanted Poster’ in the search of a good friend.
Our Year 3-6 students brainstormed things you can control when it comes to being a good friend. For example: I can listen to my friends, I can help my friends achieve their goals, I can suggest trusted adults to talk to, I can be an upstander, I can be honest, I can be trustworthy, I can respond respectfully, I can be kind, I can not give up, I can talk to a trusted adult. They also brainstormed things you can’t control when it comes to being a good friend. For example: I can’t solve big problems on my own, I can’t make a decision for someone else, I can’t control who likes me, I can’t control how others treat me.
Students then wrote a letter to a friend with explicit reasons why their chosen friend is a good friend.
Here is some student feedback from the session:
Samson 5E- I liked this lesson very much because I could write a letter about a friend that I value a lot. Even though the person I wrote about didn't see it, it was nice to know my teacher knew.
Sophie 5E- It was good to brainstorm ways of being a good friend and things that we can and can't control in our friendships. really liked that it made me realise how grateful I am to have lots of loyal friends who care and support me.
Avash 5E- liked that we could write to anyone we want and tell them what we appreciate them for.