Grade 4

Term 3 has been an action-paced term for Level Four students! From creating advertisements, to going on an excursion, measuring with scaled instruments and competing in the House Athletics Carnival - there has been a lot of learning and fun. Read below to learn more about some of the students’ highlights and achievements.
CERES Excursion
Level Four was fortunate enough to explore the CERES School of Nature and Climate, connecting with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island cultures by engaging in activities, such as storytelling, painting, culture walks and traditional games. This was studied in our classrooms throughout the term which helped flourish our students' conceptual knowledge in relation to Aboriginal Cultures.
"I liked how we got to eat some Aboriginal bush food, and I was able to eat them. I learnt how some bush foods are edible and some can be poisonous." Luke 4K
"I liked when we got to eat different aboriginal food and also learnt how to paint on our arms with ochre." Jason 4K
"Today grade fours went to CERES and my favourite thing was the bush food activity. I learnt that some plants may be poisonous, and you wouldn’t even know it." Jazmin 4K
"My favourite part was when we got to kick the marngrook!" Caleb 4K
"I really enjoyed when we dressed up to perform a play of the story of Jidalik." Raaif 4WB
"I loved playing the marngrook game because it was lots of fun to see how high everyone could kick the ball." Sadra 4WB
"I enjoyed when we did body painting with ochre because it’s something that we’ll only get to do once in a lifetime." Mary 4WB
"I really enjoyed everything about the CERES excursion because it was really fun learning about Indigenous games of Indigenous People and their language." Roham 4G
"I loved everything on the CERES excursion because I never went to a playground which was 95% recycled and made of plastic and doing dot painting also acting a role play of the Dreaming." Amyara 4G
"I enjoyed the face painting on the CERES excursion because we got to paint our arms using Aboriginal symbols and it was really fun." Mia 4G
"I loved the CERES excursion especially the bush food we tasted, and I made a new friend Aaira from 4WB." Lucas 4G
"My favourite part of the excursion was acting out a Dreaming Story; Jidalik the Frog and I played the Eel." Maya 4S
"I learnt that Aboriginal People played a game with a possum skin ball, and it was called Marngrook. I liked when we acted as different animals and looked at different artefacts." Katie 4S
"Something I learnt at the excursion was that there is a plant that tastes like chocolate. My favourite part was playing marngrook." Jake 4S
"I learned that Aboriginal People used plays to tell stories, and my favourite part of the excursion was when we are bush food." Mietta 4S
"Something I learnt at the excursion was that there is a plant that tastes like chocolate. My favourite part was playing marngrook." Jake 4S
"On the excursion I learnt some Woiwurrung words and looked at Indigenous artefacts. My favourite part was eating the edible plants." Valarie 4S
This term students have been learning all about location, multiplication and division and the measurement of mass, capacity and temperature. Students created scaled instruments and estimated, compared and calculated measurements. In multiplication and division, students learnt strategies for learning times tables and divisibility rules for larger numbers. To support your child at home, encourage them to learn their times tables up to 10 × 10. Practising these times tables via games, worksheets, online activities and answering questions orally will help build fluency and understanding.
This term in reading students have been learning about making text to self, text to text and text to world connections to a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Students have also been focusing on the reading comprehension strategy of summarising. We have explored a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts and focused on writing quality, short summaries focusing on the most important events and key ideas in texts. We have also explored the text Nerra: The Broken Rainbow by Tasma Walton throughout Term 3 which has complemented our Indigenous Studies / Integrated Studies unit, exploring the themes of Dreaming and Indigenous language.
What's Happening in Term 4
We’re very excited about all of the wonderful events that are coming up for Level 4 in Term 4! Throughout the term, we are looking forward to weekly DanceSport Confidence sessions, with an aim to grow confidence, courage, and resilience by expressing ourselves in movement. We are also lucky to have weekly Gymnastics sessions run by BTYC, in which students will learn the philosophy of the four Fs: fundamentals, fitness, fun, and friendships. Life Ed will teach students about the benefit of healthy food, the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems, and factors that influence physical health. The Water Safety Program will teach students essential strategies to stay safe in and around water and how to respond to emergencies.
In Maths, we have a focus on data and graphing, angles, fractions and decimals, chance, and the four operations. In Reading, we will be focussing on revising a range of comprehension strategies to help us understand fiction and non fiction texts. In Writing we will be revising persuasive and narrative texts. In Integrated Studies, we will be exploring life in Britain in the 1700s, the journey of the First Fleet, and the impact of British settlement in Australia.