Grade 2

Level 2 students had a very busy 3rd term! They have all shown so much resilience and kindness towards one another; Miss Stagoll, Miss Francis and Miss Majoor are very proud. We also had Mr. Wing in 2S for the first half of the term completing his final practicum to become a teacher and Mr. Longinidis in 2M for the second half of the term.
In term 3, Level 2 have had visitors such as Senior Constable Sarah Davis where the students learned about what to say when you need to call 000, what type of police vehicles are needed for different types of emergencies, and even gave all the level 1 and 2’s a chance to sit in the police vehicle!
We also had Pallyan come in and teach us about Aboriginal culture and language. The students learned 4 new words from the Wurundjeri language: Hello, Thank you, See you later, and Welcome as well as the names and stories of some native animals to Australia. Pallyan also led the students through the story of Bunjil the eagel and taught them a traditional dance about the Lyrebird.
In Reading this term students have been learning about summarizing. Level 2 have been reading various stories and at the end students have been asked to write about who the characters were in the story, what was the setting and the overall plot of the story. It has been fun seeing the improvement on student knowledge on how to properly summarize a story.
In Writing this term students have been learning how to research and make information reports. Students have been learning how to research all about a specific animal. Level 2 was able to make an “All About…” book about their animal where they researched about their diet, habitat, appearance, location. Well done level 2 on all your hard work!
In Maths this term students have been learning about multiplication, division (sharing), how to read a calendar, and how to tell time. For time, level two was focusing on quarter to and quarter past. We also were learning about doubling and halving numbers that connect to our multiplication and division unit.
Student Voice
Here is what some of our students had to say about what they have enjoyed this term:
“I really liked going to the aquarium this term. My favourite part was seeing the seahorses” – Chloe Z 2F
“I really liked doing the research reports! I found facts about my favourite animal.” – Defne 2M
“Playing Marco polo at recess and lunch has been so much fun” – Max 2F
“Seeing inside the police car was so cool!” – Elwyn 2F
“At the aquarium I loved seeing the glowing jelly fish!” – Yi 2F