Principal's Message
By Jenny Hassett
Principal's Message
By Jenny Hassett
Well, the big event is very close! The Rollins School Concert will be held at Geelong Baptist College on Thursday 29th August 2024. There will be parking attendants to assist parents on arrival.
The students will sit at the front of the venue with their teacher. Parents can take their child to the student seating area on arrival and settle them in. Once the concert has started we ask that parents remain from entering this area until the end of the concert. At the conclusion of the concert, we will make an announcement directing parents as to where they can collect their child/children.
It will be an exciting night for all our students and hopefully one that will create great memories for all our students and their families.
We will be holding our Father's Day Stall on Friday 22nd. Gifts will range from $5 - $10 and all students will have a chance to purchase a gift throughout the day.
It looks like we are starting to see some nice weather as we move out of the winter months. We will be selling icy poles every Tuesday and Thursday with all profits going towards the purchase of a new grandstand near the oval.