Community News

From the School Nurse

Every time your child visits the sickbay, a Chronicle entry is completed explaining in detail the reason for your child's visit to sickbay.  To access this information, logon to Compass, click on the blue profile hyperlink (underneath your child's photo), this takes you through to the dashboard page where their Chronicles are listed on the right hand side.  Here you will see Compass Sickbay Chronicle explaining the reason for their visit.

It is Department of Education policy to call parents if there has been a knock to the head, or any other health issue that the nurse is concerned about.  If the nurse has been unable to make contact with the parent a message will be left.  Please listen to the message prior to phoning the school.


If you have items of clothing which your child was given from sick bay can you please return them ASAP, as we are running out of supplies, especially spare underwear. 

Also can foundation parents please make sure you put a spare pair of underwear in your child’s school bag. 





1) Dad’s Survival Guide: Raising kids without a manual: Q&A with parenting and education expert, Kathy Walker (Thurs Sept 5th)

Being a dad and raising kids doesn’t come with a handbook. Come and hear Kathy discuss, and answer questions on, optimal parenting from a dad’s perspective. There are so many confused messages we get as dads and on the right way to parent so come and ask an expert! 


Kathy has written several books on parenting and education and she will provide a fabulous mix of theory alongside lots of practical tips and strategies. Kathy's philosophy on parenting and educating is based on developmental psychology, child development and neuroscience. This will be a night you won't want to miss where you can ask the hard questions you've always wanted answers to. Let’s face it, we do our best as dads but most of us occasionally feel we have no idea what we are doing! 


WHEN: Thursday 5th September 6.30pm 

WHERE: Hampton Bowls Club

WHO: All HPS dads are welcome

RSVP: No need to RSVP, just rock up. Any questions email Mark Alexander (

DADS-KIDS CAMP BRIEFING: Sven will give a mandatory camp briefing after Kathy’s Q&A so please come along to get key camp information.


2)     2 x Dads-Kids Camps (Nov 8-10 & Nov 29-Dec 1, 2024)

The camps were booked out last year so we are running two camps again this year at Forest Edge Camp in Neerim. The camps are only for HPS dads and their girls and boys that go to HPS (not for younger siblings in kinder and not for siblings no longer at HPS). More info to follow from Sven over the next few weeks. The helpers at the Welcome BBQ, and the volunteers from the Mini-Olympics, get first dibs of their choice of which camp they would like to attend as they stepped up and put in a huge effort contributing to the dad’s club and school community.


3)   HPS Dad’s Club Cycling Club (HDCC)

WHO: If you’re a keen road cyclist or looking to get into it - why not join the Hampton Dad’s Cycling Club with over 30 dads!

HOW: To organise a ride, simply text message Rob Schmitt on 0416 174 650 and he’ll give you details of the rides. To be added to the group, you need to go for a few rides

WHEN: The Cycling Club ride Sunday morning (6am and 7am), plus Tuesdays (5:45am), Wednesdays (6:30am) and Thursdays (5:45am) each week - all leaving from the Ampol on Beach Rd (near Hampton St).


4)   HPS Dad’s Hackers Golf Group

Tom Archer has awesomely just set up a HPS Dad’s Golf Group which has quickly grown to 30+ HPS dads. To get on board, text Tom on 0475 821 938 and he’ll give you details on how to join up.


Why a Dad’s Club? What the research says.

  • Suicide is the number 1 killer of men aged between 15 and 44 and 3 out of every 4 suicides are men[1].
  • 1 in 2 Australian males have had a mental health problem at some point in their lives[2]
  • 70% of guys are there for their mates BUT only 48% would reach out to a mate for help[3]
  • “Harden up! Take a cup of cement!” Maybe this isn’t healthy as new research suggests some men will take their own life rather than appearing weak and asking for help[4]
  • Blokes, let’s connect, join in, talk, ask, listen, check in with a mate whilst have a cracking time!

Contact details to sign up for the Dad’s Club newsletter

Founder:  Mark Alexander

Events: Justin Joiner

Dad’s Kid’s camp: Sven Karlsson






From the School Nurses

Every time your child visits the sickbay, a Chronicle entry is completed explaining in details the reason for your child's visit to sickbay.  To access this information, logon to Compass, click on the blue profile hyperlink (underneath your child's photo), this takes you through to the dashboard page where their Chronicles are listed on the right hand side.  Here you will see Compass Sickbay Chronicle explaining the reason for their visit.

It is Department of Education policy to call parents if there has been a knock to the head, or any other health concern.  If our nurse has been unable to make contact with the parent a message will be left.  Please listen to the message prior to phoning the school.