Student Engagement



Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall, Liam Offer & Dan Garner

It has been a great start to Term 2 with students returning to school wanting to learn and engaging in their classes.



At Horsham College the expectation is that all students will follow our uniform policy which is set by school council. This means that only plain white and navy blue long sleeves are to be worn underneath College uniform. Shoes are to be plain black. HC hats are to be worn in Terms 1 and 4. We ask that families support us in ensuring that your child is in correct uniform. If there are any issues, please contact your child’s year level co-ordinator or ask the student to submit a note to obtain a uniform pass. 



If your child is away from school for any reason can you please make sure you are calling the absence hotline or email Year level coordinators. This way we are able to follow up and put in the right supports to ensure that your child returns with the support needed.


Attitude to school survey

In the coming weeks we will be running the Attitudes to school survey in classes to gain feedback and to give students a voice. This is an opportunity for students to give feedback about the school, the safety, the environment as well as give opportunity for improvement.



Reconciliation Week

In May we will be celebrating reconciliation week to recognise, understand and listen to the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people.There will be activities throughout the week for students to take part in if they choose.


Year 7 Information evening

Horsham college welcomed parents, guardians and the community to our Year 7 information night on Wednesday May 1st. Information will be shared about our school as well as the specialised programs offered to students.


Take Care,

Shannon, Liam, Louise and Dan