Year 12 News

 Kristin Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

Student Leadership

Our student leaders have been busy representing Horsham College at both school and in the wider Horsham community.


Sienna Walsgott, Mal O’Brien and Will Schache were involved in Anzac Day ceremonies at Sawyer Park. Sienna and Molly Abbott then led the commemoration ceremony held at school for Horsham College students and staff.


Sienna and Mal were invited to attend the Haven Campus of Horsham West and Haven Primary School to answer questions about their leadership journeys and present badges to the 2024 student leaders.


Sienna, Mal, Molly, and Will also helped promote Horsham College at our recent 2025 Year 7 Information Evening.


These students are to be congratulated on being positive role models for our school.


The challenges of Term 2

The Year 12 Team acknowledges that Term 2 can often be quite challenging. As the weather gets increasingly colder students also have an increase in the amount of work and assessments that they are required to complete. It is important for students to not lose sight of their overall goal to achieve the VCE Certificate. Good marks don’t just happen, and students need to maintain a consistent work ethic. Students are encouraged to recognise that resilience and perseverance are skills that they will need to demonstrate throughout their lives.


Students are encouraged to maintain healthy habits throughout Term 2. This includes eating well, having good sleep hygiene and balancing both school and social commitments. A reminder that if your student is struggling, please reach out to the Year 12 Team who can provide additional support.