News from the Office

Curriculum Day & King's Birthday Holiday
A reminder there is a curriculum day on Friday 7th June. Students will not be required to attend school on this day. Monday 10th June is also a student free day as it is the King's Birthday holiday
School Absences
A reminder that if your child is away from school due to illness, appointments, holidays or any other reason, you must inform the school either by noting the absence in Compass or calling the school on 9842 3373. It is DET (Department of Education & Training) policy that all student absences are accounted for.
If your child currently has unexplained absences noted in our system, you will receive a letter this week requesting an explanation so we can update your child's record accordingly.
Please also notify your child's teacher if your child will be absent for more than one day so any missed class work can be discussed.
Lost property
If your child has misplaced any of their belongings at school, we have two lost property boxes. One at the tiger turf end of the junior building, and the other opposite the after school care room in the middle school building.
Please ensure all your child's belongings are named clearly so it is easier for them to be found when they are misplaced.
2024 Parent Payments
Parent Payments can now be made under Course Confirmations in Compass. If you would like to arrange a payment plan, this can be done online or by contacting the office on 9842 3373.