Student Voice 

Student Voice : Heights

What an amazing start to the term we’ve had. Every learning centre has been settling well into Term 2, and we have had many new students as well as a new teacher, Miss George, join us.


F/1B are excited to have her as their teacher, and we are sure that Miss George will have an amazing time at SRPS. Make sure you say hi and welcome her if you see her in the yard.


This week, Grade 6 finally received their hoodies. They look absolutely wonderful and they’re extremely comfortable! All the grade sixes are hyped about their hoodies.


On Thursday the 18th of April, the whole school travelled to the Springvale Town Hall to watch an amazing play called “Cinderella” by Alpha Productions. All the students showed their excitement by screaming and cheering the cast members on! The whole school definitely enjoyed watching the show. The Foundation students enjoyed the show the most as it was their first time watching a drama production. After the production, we ate our snack together utilising the amazing spaces at the Springvale Community Hub. 

This Friday, the senior students will be playing their first winter sports games. All the students in every sport has been training and practising very hard with the help of their coaches. We wish all the seniors best of luck at their first game.


Next week, the JLC will have the opportunity to go to the zoo. The JLC are pretty excited about seeing and learning about animals and their habitat. 


We hope everyone is enjoying Term 2 so far, and remember to stay positive and let your friends know when they do something well to make them smile!!


           Heights Campus School Captains
