The Principalship: Workload and Burnout

In a significant development for the education sector in Australia, Federal Education Minister Jason Clare has finally put the matter of sustaining and retaining school leaders on the agenda for discussion at the recent Education Minister’s Meeting (EMM) held last week.
On the back of continued alarming research, it was stated at the EMM:
“…Ministers expressed their continued support for principals and school leaders and acknowledged the work already underway across jurisdictions to support their wellbeing. Ministers asked officials to work with stakeholders and provide advice on further actions that could support principals and school leaders. Ministers will continue discussions on principal and school leader wellbeing at the next meeting of EMM…”
Extract from DoE Communiques from the EMM 2024
The APF delegation met with Minister Clare in Canberra last year, with principal workload and burnout key agenda items of discourse. Deep concern was expressed by the delegation that the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan primarily focussed on teachers whilst matters burdening the principalship are less pronounced. As has been stated before, principals are not teachers with responsibilities therefore targeted measures specifically designed to address principal concerns require more focused strategies and policies.
It is well documented and affirmed that the complexity and intensity of the principal role has led to high stress levels, burnout, and even high turnover rates among principals, which can undermine the stability and quality of school leadership and, by extension, student outcomes.
Whilst the EMM marks a hopeful step forward in recognising and addressing the crucial issue of principal workload, what we need to see is commitment to take discussion forward into actionable plans. To this end, we look forward to continued engagement with the Federal Minister.
At the state level, our members are well aware of the collective work the APF has undertaken with CEP, PASS, VASSP and VPA on Reimagining the Principalship Education Summit. The outcomes of the Summit have been shared with Minister Carroll and DE Secretary Jenny Atta. In recent correspondence received from both the Minister and Secretary, a shared commitment has been expressed in supporting school leaders and acknowledgement that whilst strategies and supports are in place, more can be and needs to be done. We look forward to continued engagement and collaboration with key Departmental staff and the Minister’s office in addressing, by way of actions, the critical matters that are burdening the principal class.
For an extended period, the issue of principal workload has been the subject of discussion. It is now imperative that we move it from the category of ‘too difficult’ to actionable priorities.