Victorian President's Report

Tina King- APF Victorian President 

Members have received information via direct email of upcoming meetings in preparation for the development of the APF Log of Claims. 


At the core of the APF bargaining debate will be that principal class employees have a set of responsibilities and accountabilities which distinguishes their work from other members of the teaching class and broader community. There has been a long-standing disparity between the responsibilities and accountabilities of PCEs and the circumstances in which their work is performed.  Additionally, of great alarm and cause for concern is the ongoing and escalating high levels of stress and burnout amongst our school leaders. The pressures on principal class employees are not diminishing, they are compounding and accelerating. 


You have our unwavering commitment that we will continue to advocate relentlessly on matters that impact on your workload, wellbeing and remuneration. In return, we ask for your support in soliciting the engagement of your colleagues as future members of the APF.  Our strength comes from being united and strong.