Leading Teachers Report 

Junior School Report

To the South Oakleigh College community, welcome back for Term 2. 

Our students have made a positive start to the term. It was pleasing to see many parents and students in attendance at our recent Student Conferences engaging in meaningful conversations about their child’s learning. If you require further communication from your child’s teachers or were unable to book a time during the conferences then please contact the teacher.

We were fortunate that our House Cross Country was held in beautiful weather at Karkarook Park and it was pleasing to see so many of our Year 7 and 8 students running and walking around the track to win points for their house. I encourage all students to get involved in school events such as this to further their connection to the College.

A reminder that all students should now be wearing the winter uniform, which includes the school tie and wearing the blazer to and from school. Attendance at school every day is a key pillar of student progress and we remind students regularly that they must be here at 8.35am every morning. Also, it is timely to remind students to bring the correct equipment to each class which should include, amongst other things, a charged laptop, school planner, pencil case and notebook. As we progress into this term it is imperative that all students focus on their organisation skills to ensure successful completion of all learning tasks.








George Tzimourtas 

Director of Students: Junior School

Middle School Report

Dear Middle School Students and Families, 

As we journey through Term 2, it's important to reflect on our core values: High Expectations, Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, and Teamwork (HRRRT). These values form the foundation of our school community and guide us in achieving success both inside and outside the classroom. 

High Expectations: 

Wearing our school uniform with pride is one of the ways we demonstrate our commitment to excellence and high expectations. Students are expected to present themselves in a neat and tidy manner, wearing their blazer to and from school. Ties (Green for year 9 and Maroon for year 10) are also required to be worn by students. Any student out of uniform is required to attend our Middle School Services office with a note at the beginning of the day to obtain a uniform pass.  

Respect and Responsibility: 

Being punctual to class is not only a sign of respect for your teachers and peers but also a demonstration of personal responsibility. Arriving on time allows for smooth transitions between lessons, maximizes learning time, and shows that you value your education.  


With upcoming exams later this term, it's important to build skills in resilience. Exams can be challenging, but they are also opportunities for growth and development. By adopting a resilient mindset, we can overcome obstacles, learn from setbacks, and emerge stronger. Remember, resilience isn't just about bouncing back; it's about bouncing forward, using setbacks as stepping stones toward success. 


Studying is not a solitary activity. It requires collaboration, support, and teamwork. Reach out to your classmates, form study groups, and engage in peer-to-peer learning. By working together, we can share knowledge, reinforce concepts, and boost each other's confidence. Together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone. 

Here are some study habits and tips that can help you in preparing for your exams: 

1. Set High Expectations for Yourself: Establish clear goals for your studies and strive to achieve them. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to stay motivated. 

2. Show Respect for Your Learning Environment: Find a quiet, dedicated space for studying free from distractions. Respect your classmates' study time by keeping noise levels to a minimum. 

3. Take Responsibility for Your Learning: Create a study schedule and stick to it, allocating time for each subject. Keep track of deadlines and exam dates to stay organized and prepared. 

4. Build Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Don't be discouraged by setbacks or difficulties. Instead, view them as opportunities for growth. Practice self-care techniques such as mindfulness or exercise to manage stress and maintain balance. 

By embodying these habits and values, we not only prepare ourselves for success in exams but also equip ourselves with essential skills for life beyond the classroom. Let's continue to uphold the HRRRT values in everything we do, ensuring that we thrive as individuals and as a collective community. 

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming exams and the remainder of the term. 








Travis Knox


Director of Students: Middle School

Senior School Report

Dear Community

Term 2 has begun and VCE students have become very busy preparing for their SACs. Please note a regular study habit will help your child not stress  just before SACs. VCE Students will attend Careers Expo on Friday 3rd April 2024. We look forward to a day where VCE students get an insight about University Pathways and Employment Opportunities.

If your child is struggling to stay organised,  here is a link you might want to go through with your child.


VCE teachers constantly try to engage students with a variety of fun activities. One such example is Mr. Ellision's Math Methods Unit1/2 class. They had a holiday homework to design an artwork using concepts learnt about graphs . Here are some images of the design using equations.  Here is a  students expressing how these activities can make difference in staying motivated and doing the work.

Making this poster was a very fun process. It allowed me to enhance my understanding around the types of graphs we have learnt so far in maths, and use them in a practical setting. The process only took me an hour or so and it was a great way to test my understanding of the mathematical concepts. Using restrictions in the graphs allowed for the shapes in the final picture that I wanted. I strongly recommend students to have some fun on Desmos and learn more about graphs!

Yamato , Year 11.










Sulagna Monga

Director of Students: Senior School