Assistant Principal's Report

Term 2: Report

Beginning of Term 2: Report

Classroom Routines

This term we will continue to focus heavily on classroom routines that help students to self-regulate and better focus on their learning. Some of the routines include;

  • Getting to class on time
  • Being ‘Ready to Learn’

We look forward to students reaping the benefits of consistent and predictable routines throughout their school day and hopefully, they extend these routines into their after-school studies.



A reminder of how important it is that students are fully prepared for learning. Part of this is being punctual in all classes. Please support your child’s learning by ensuring that they arrive at school in plenty of time to get the correct books and be in class by 8.45 am. We are continuing to run lateness blitzes, and will contact parents where there are issues with student punctuality.


School Uniform 

A reminder that in term 2  term, all students are required to wear the Winter uniform.  Our school uniform policy is written and endorsed by our School Council. The expectation is that every student wears their uniform correctly as it is a symbol of the high expectations held at South Oakleigh College. The vast majority of students wear their uniform perfectly every day and it really looks fantastic. It is also a way we show pride in our school and that we are a member of this unique and quite special community.

Student Injury

Parents and carers are reminded that the Department of Education DOES NOT provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and carers are generally responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. This includes students who may be injured during school or interschool sporting competitions. In a first aid emergency, we shall always call an ambulance should it be considered necessary by the treating officer in regard to the duty of care to the injured student. 

Fortunately this does not happen very often, however, we strongly recommend that parents do have ambulance cover for any such contingency as any costs in such a matter are passed to the parent.


We wish all staff, students and their families a safe and learned term 2 .






Anthony Katsianos       

Assistant Principal







Mark Picone      

Assistant Principal