Parents & Friends' (PFA)

This newsletter is all about our beautiful mums! Thanks to all the wonderful mums who attended the mums' day out at The Bank, Carnegie last Saturday. This was a fabulous event organised by Bec and Luci in conjunction with Tina at The Bank. The reserved space was ideal for all our mums to have a lovely meal and a few drinks. As always, a fantastic time was had by all who attended.
With Mothers' Day fast approaching, we are in full swing getting everything organised for the Mothers' Day Stall and Breakfast.
If you haven’t already RSVP’d to the invite for the Mothers' Day Breakfast, please make sure to get onto it straight away on Operoo. This event will be held in the Padua Pavilion from 7.45am on Friday 10th May; there are sure to be lots of delicious treats available and remember the coffee van will be there to make sure all the adults get their caffeine fix for the morning.
The stall will be open to all students on the morning of the 10th May after the Mothers' Day Breakfast. Dads please make sure to give the children some money on Friday, a maximum of $10 per child. The children can then go shopping to get some lovely presents for their mums. Please see the beautiful invite below. Thanks to Linda and Rhonda for all their hard work getting these events organised.
A very happy Mothers' Day to all our St. Anthony’s mums!
The PFA Team