Year 2 Bulletin

Personal and Social Capability

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and Diversity

Identify how families have a range of relationships (VCPSCSO011)


Learning Intention: To explore the diversity that can be found in families and communities. 


Learning experience overview:


On Monday, our classes had an educator from Body Safety join us in our classrooms.


Year 2s began the ‘Unique You’ program. Our first curriculum-aligned lesson, centred around the role of families, through guided discussion and storytelling.  Students completed a worksheet titled ‘Something I Like to Do with My Family’, where they were encouraged to draw and write activities they shared together.

They were then asked to think about trusted adults (someone over 18 years of age) whom they could talk to at any time, about issues they might be having or things that they might be concerned about.  Then each student was given a small cloth bag, containing five finger puppets, with blank faces.  Each puppet represented one of those trusted people. Faces were drawn on each one and a name written, to identify that person.



  • Can you tell me some ideas that were discussed today in your Body Safety session?
  • What did you enjoy most about the session?
  • Is there any issue that came up today, in your session, that you would like to talk about?
  • Was there anything that made you feel uncomfortable?
  • Were you able to make a connection with what was discussed?
  • What does our family look like?

What you can do now, to continue the learning at home from this experience

  • Discuss different arrangements that families might have. Note how there are many variations on what constitutes a family unit.
  • Talk about the meaning of immediate/close and extended families. Bring to their attention, families where the structure is not the same as yours.
  • Read Share stories about families – ‘The Family Book’ OR ‘It’s OK to be Different’ by Todd Parr ‘All About Families’ by Felicity Brooks 

Mrs Evans and Rosanna

Year 2 Team