Prep Bulletin

Learning intention: We are learning to identify what makes a good friend.


Learning experience overview:


This wellbeing learning experience relates to our Big Idea:

When I experience emotions, I feel and react in ways that affect myself and others around me. In particular, it focusses on our last driving question: How do I manage the way I react? 


We do:

As a class we read the story ‘My first friend’ (see below) and discussed the message in the story. 


  • Can you make a connection to this story? 
  • What are some ways we can make friends? 
  • What makes a good friend? 
  • Is it alright to feel lonely? 
  • What zone are you in if you feel lonely? 
  • What are some things you can do when you are feeling lonely? 
  • What can you do if your friend doesn’t want to play what you want to play? 

You do

  • Comfort Creatures 
  • Students imagined they were alone on a desert island. This might feel scary and lonely. Then they imagined that they had a special comfort creature to keep them company. What would it look like? 
  • Students created their comfort creature using different materials. They gave their comfort creature a name. 

We do:

Share and reflect - Students shared their comfort creature and explained what is special about it. 


In this learning experience, students will work towards:

  • Identifying feelings and emotions 
  • Linking feelings to the zone of regulation
  • Discussing strategies for dealing with different feelings and emotions
  • Identifying strategies to use when feeling lonely and not having anyone to play with

Examples of students work:

What you can do now to continue the learning at home from this experience:

  • Encourage conversations at home about what makes a good friend, what did you do today to be a good friend etc.
  • Discuss whether a good friend is someone that plays with you all the time 
  • Read social stories about friendships 
  • Encourage your child to play with a variety of children  

Alyssa, Ruby and Julian

Prep Team