Around our Classes

Early Learning Centre
The students in ELC have begun learning about the life cycle of frogs . We are observing the growth of real tadpoles too.
We attended Mass this week at Holy Spirit church. When we spend time with God our Creator we are given inner graces to live a good life.
And with all this wonderful sunshine, we had to remember to water our thirsty plants.
This week, Our Early Learning staff and students joined the nation in celebrating Children's Week 2024 - an Australian event held in October each year. It celebrates children's rights and achievements, with thousands of children participating in various activities nationwide. The theme for this year, "Children have the right to a clean and safe environment," aligns perfectly with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the National Quality Framework for education and care services.
At Mount Carmel College, we believe that every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment to grow and learn. Throughout the week, our ELC students participated in a variety of exciting activities to celebrate Children's Week and promote these important values.
On Monday, they had a delightful Teddy Bear's Picnic. Our students shared their morning tea with their favourite teddy and enjoyed some time out on the grass together. On Tuesday, it was Show and Tell time, where our students proudly shared something special from their home, this included toys, books, and photos.
Wednesday marked a special day for our ELC and Primary students as we hosted our Grandparents Day celebration morning. Grandparents were invited to join us for a prayer, morning tea and a morning full of quality time together at school.
To wrap up the week, we held a fabulous talent show on Friday. Our talented young performers showcased their singing and dancing skills, impressing their audience with creativity and confidence.
Karen Giudici, Jasmin Reynolds & Michelle Hughes-Gage
Year 6 Canberra Trip
We had an incredible time on our Year 6 Canberra trip! We started our adventure bright and early, catching an early flight. Our week was packed with exciting experiences, from exploring the Australian War Memorial and the Mint to immersing ourselves in history at the National Museum and playing at the AIS Sportex. We even had the opportunity to swim in the AIS pool (and yes, even our teachers joined in the fun!). Visiting the old and new Parliament Houses and engaging in role plays was a highlight, as was exploring the National Film and Archives. And let's not forget the delicious feast at the Star Buffet, where we all indulged in way too much fairy floss! It was a trip filled with unforgettable memories that the Year 6 students will cherish forever.
Tassie Dancers Against Cancer
The Junior and Senior Dance Troupes participated in the annual Tassie Dancers Against Cancer fundraiser on the last Sunday of the holidays. The Senior girls performed their lyrical routine from the Hobart Eisteddfod and Juniors performed their Jazz routine from Follow Your Dreams. It was a wonderful experience for us all and raised much needed funds for cancer research. For Year 10 student and Dance Captain, Arabella Burns, it was her last performance as an MCC Dance Troupe member.
All the girls did a really outstanding job dancing and representing the College. We can’t wait to be involved again next year.
If you would like to support Tassie Dancers Against Cancer, you can purchase merchandise from this website: