Community News

Call for Nominations for Vacancies on the Catholic Education Commission Tasmania (CECT)
The CECT is calling for nominations for four ordinary member vacancies on the CECT for 2025. Nominations are welcome from people with the relevant skills, knowledge, and experience in areas such as education, legal, theology, finance, governance and government relations and who have the time to commit to this challenging and important role for Catholic Education Tasmania. Please note that the nominees for ordinary member vacancies are for example, people from CET school communities such as parents/guardians, alumni/former students and members of the School Parish community.
The CECT has the overall responsibility to provide the Archbishop of Hobart with advice pertinent to Catholic Education Tasmania, to determine policy and ensure the general well-being and ongoing development of the Church’s teaching mission in Tasmania. The CECT acts as an advocate for Catholic Education in the public arena and in dealings with both Federal and State Governments. The CECT is the approved System Authority for Catholic Education Tasmania under various pieces of legislation, as well as the approved authority for a system of non-government schools for school registration as outlined in Section 146 of the Education Act 2016.
People interested in nominating for one of the vacancies should have a knowledge and appreciation of Catholic Education in Tasmania and an understanding that CECT members do not act as representatives of a specific group but focus on the common good of all in Catholic Education Tasmania. CECT meetings are held a minimum of six times a year and all meetings are 4:00pm – 7:00pm. Members are able to participate in meetings in person or online via Zoom.
All current members of the CECT whose terms of appointment are due to expire on 31 December 2024 are required to submit a nomination form if they wish to apply for another term on the CECT. All nominees are required to fill out the Nomination Form and attach a copy of their Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a copy of their current Registration to Work with Vulnerable Persons Card and National Police Check.
All nominations are due in to the CECT Executive Secretary, Miss Mary Preston, via by the close of business on Friday 25 October 2024. Please do not hesitate to contact Miss Preston if you have any queries regarding this matter either via the email above or (03) 6210 8888.