School News

Smile Squad Feedback
As you might be aware, we have had the School Dental Program - ‘Smile Squad’ – attend our school to give the students information on good dental health, undertake dental examinations and, where required, organise follow-up treatment.
While the program is voluntary, many of you consented for your child/children to participate in the Smile Squad program.
To better understand the delivery of the Smile Squad program including benefits and challenges, an independent firm (Abt Global) has been engaged to evaluate the program. This is your opportunity to provide feedback on your experience of the program.
If you didn’t consent for your child/children to participate in Smile Squad they are also keen to hear from you.
The evaluation team want to understand why you chose not to participate.
So, whether you participated or not, this is an opportunity to provide feedback so that improvements can be made to the Smile Squad program.
To participate in the evaluation, you can complete a confidential 5–10-minute survey. The survey does not require you to provide any information to the evaluation team that identifies you, however the survey does ask what school your child/children attend. Here is the link to the survey.
We encourage you to participate in this short survey and provide valuable feedback on Smile Squad.
If you would like to provide more detailed feedback to the evaluation team, please contact Eleanor at .