Diary Dates

Term 4
Week 3
- Tuesday 22 October - Session 2 Puberty Clues: Emotional Changes (including online safety)
- Fri 25 Oct - Community sport local, walking excursions (tennis, Kanga Cricket, baseball, lacrosse)
- Fri 25 Oct - Twilight Carnival, 3:00 - 8:30 pm
Week 4
- Tuesday 29 October - Session 3 Puberty Clues: Reproduction (including online safety and the law)
- Fri 1 November - Community sport, local walking excursions
Week 5
- Mon 4 November - Curriculum Day (pupil free day)
- Tue 5 November - Melbourne Cup Day
- Fri 8 November - Community sport, local walking excursions
Week 6
- Ongoing assessment for end of year reports
- Thu 14 November - Big Day in Jnr (STEAM event, all day)
- Fri 15 November - Year 6 students assist with F/1/2 Mini-Olympics
Week 7
- Ongoing assessment for end of year reports
- Fri 22 November - Community sport, travel by bus (archery, swimming, gym, tennis)
Week 8
- Ongoing assessment for end of year reports
- Students can begin bringing their memory book folders to school. Writing will be checked by teachers and printed. Stickers, borders, photos and other artefacts should be brought too and these books will be assembled at school.
- Fri 29 November - Community sport, travel by bus
Week 9
- Fri 6 December - Community sport, travel by bus
Week 10
- Mon 9 December - Curriculum Day (pupil free day)
- Tue 10 December - Year 7 Orientation Day for Year 6 students going to government schools
- Thu 12 December - House Swimming Carnival, Years 3 - 6, GESAC
- Fri 13 December - Community sport, travel by bus
- Fri 13 December - Carols during the school day, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Week 11
- End of year reports will go out some time this week (TBA)
- Mon 16 December - The graduation lunch will be @ HPS at12:00 pm, and the ceremony will be on the same day @ Brighton SC at 6:00 - 7:30 pm.
- Post graduation fun activities will be organised in this week but have not yet been determined (TBA)
- Fri 20 December - Last day of term, final Y6 assembly and early 1:30 pm dismissal