School Council
2024 Annual Reporting Meeting Update
School Council
2024 Annual Reporting Meeting Update
On Tuesday 23rd October we held our 2024 Annual Reporting Meeting. As mentioned previously we have decided to share the minutes from that meeting.
In February 2024:
Membership term expired for the following parent members
Andrew Butler, Jonathon Horne, Kate Hutchinson and Clelia Dale
We received 8 nominations for 4 parent member positions. An election was held for the parent member positions and the following parents were elected: Andrew Butler, Hatice Kolevski, Kerith Sharkey and Kasim Hasan were the successful candidates and new parent members to School Council.
The DET employee positions for Mary Fazzari and Hayley Shaw also expired. Heather Fletcher and Patricia Murray continued in the position for 2024. Mary Fazzari re-nominated. However, we were unable to recruit a 4th DE nomination.
At our first meeting of the new School Council was held on 28th February new office bearers were elected.
At the date of this report the School Council membership and office-bearers were as follows:
4 out of 5 elected/ DET employee members:
Christine Nash – Principal and Executive Officer
Mary Fazzari
Patricia Murray- DE representation on Building & Grounds
Heather Fletcher
8 elected parent members:
Andrew Butler- School Council President
Amy Reynolds- Building & Grounds
Jen Stephenson– Treasurer and Vice President
Jenelle Murnane- Policy Reviews and VRQA requirements
Rohan Mills- Parents and Friends
Hatice Kolevski- Fundraising
Kerith Sharkey- Grants
Kasim Hasan- finance
2 co-opted community members remain unfilled
School councils play an important role in Victorian government schools. They have particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction with 3 main responsibilities:
Finance: overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
Much of School Council and the Finance subcommittee’s time is taken up trying to identify any potential areas for cost savings and to ensure we are getting value for the money that is spent. The following finance policy are reviewed and updated annually.
Policy development and review: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
New areas and regulations were introduced regarding the Child Safe Policy. Considerable work was done to review and update existing policies and practices to ensure all areas were covered.
Strategic Planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the School Strategic Plan and Annual implementation Plans.
included the following goals-
Families very generously contributed to
Fund raising events in 2024 increased significantly from previous years.
These included:
Friday Food Stalls - 34B, 34D, 34A & 56A scheduled
Upcoming events:
Two working bees were held this year; one in Term 1 and Term 3. Both working bees with attended by enthusiastic volunteers. Completed tasks include; repairing and painting various wooden furniture features, clean out of the areas behind the science building and the gym entry, planting within the chill out zone and general tidying up and sweeping/tree pruning.
Last year, we decided to explore other ways to manage the regular maintenance tasks such as tidying up garden beds, weed control, spreading mulch, cleaning up around the sand pit etc. We purchased an electric mower and leaf blower (yet to purchase an electric wiper snipper) and have employed someone for an extra 4 hours a week to mow the nature strip and maintain the garden beds.
We have one new successful grant to report which is $1000 from Nelson Alexander Foundation to purchase 11 wobble/ wriggle stools.
The Victorian Schools Garden Program (VSGP) Grants ( $500 nursery voucher was awarded earlier this year and needs to be spent before the end of 2024.
Multiple new submissions and applications waiting on outcomes for:
Here is a list of ideas that were discussed at yesterday's school council meeting - please let me know if I got something wrong, or if you have any other ideas to add!
Hatice and I are meeting for coffee next week to put ideas in more order and come up with a bit more of a plan, but everyone is welcome to join if you like.
Otherwise we can report back via email and/or at the November meeting.
EPS was opened 29 July 1850 (originally named Pascoevale National School)
Our175th anniversary is Tuesday 29 July 2025 with the idea of having a variety of events and activities through out the week, some with a student focus and some for the wider community. We discussed a few ideas
Possible items / info for display:
Leadership are excited that the planning group are very close to going to tender. We expect this will occur in November and hope that the work will commence in early February, if not before. Through the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc (VAEAI) indigenous engagement process the following recommendations were made to be followed up through in the project or by school. School Council discussed the possibility of applying for grants that would help fund some of the school items.
Project Items
School Items
Meeting closed - 7:58pm