Religious Education

On Tuesday the First Reconciliation candidates participated in a Family Faith Sharing Afternoon with their families. Thank you to all who attended. It was wonderful to hear the students presenting their learning from the Sacramental Program and discussing with their families what Reconciliation means and why it's an important Sacrament. A big thank you to the Year 2 teachers Mrs Latto, Mrs MacKay, Miss Harris and Mr Leach for their time and effort in preparing the students and guiding them in their learning as well as our Parish Priests Father Justin and Father Andrew for their classroom visit and upcoming Family Committment Mass preparations. We ask that you keep the students and their families in your prayers on their journey in faith.
Important Dates:
Saturday 26th October @ 6pm: Family Commitment Mass.
Tuesday October 29th @ 9:15am: Whole School Mass
Tuesday October 29th @ 2.30pm: Prayer Service - all parents are welcome to attend to pray for their child and show their support before they make their first Reconciliation.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Tuesday October 29th from 4:30pm: Bookings available via SOBS.
Jesus restores sight to the blind man, Bartimaeus
Unpacking the Scriptures
In this Sunday's Gospel of Mark, Jesus’ reputation as a healer has spread across towns. When a blind man named Bartimaeus, hears that Jesus of Nazareth is passing by, he calls out to him, asking for his pity to heal him.
In Jesus’ time anyone who was sick or different was treated badly and made to feel excluded. Bartimaeus showed great courage in asking for Jesus’ help when others tried to silence him. Jesus stopped and called for Bartimaeus to come forward when he heard his cry for help. He was moved by Bartimaeus’ faith. Jesus’ healing of the blind man shows us that he cares about everyone equally, that no one is excluded from God’s mercy and love.
Do we call out to Jesus in our prayers, persistent in asking him for help, knowing that he wants us to come to him like Bartimaeus. Do we have the faith like a blind man that God can work great miracles in our lives if we trust in him?
Family Connection
Today’s Gospel offers us a powerful example of faith and persistence in prayer. When silenced by the crowd, the blind man, Bartimaeus called out all the more! He is persistent and bold in his confidence that Jesus will show mercy on him and do what he asks. His persistence and great confidence that Jesus would help him reminds us of the confidence with which our children bring to us their needs. In their faith and trust we can find an example of the attitude with which we might approach God in prayer. Do we come before God in our prayer as children, trusting him as our Father?
Gather together, light a candle and acknowledge that you are in the presence of God in a moment of silence. Read the Gospel Mark 10:46-52. Discuss that when we pray, God wants us to be so confident he will help us that we don’t permit anyone to keep us from bringing our needs to Him. Invite each family member to name the things they need most from God. Pray these prayers of petition together confident that God will hear and answer your prayers. Respond to each petition, Lord hear our prayer.
God bless,
India Mitchell-Fletcher
Religious Education Leader