A Message from Fr Pritchard

Dear Community of St Joseph the Worker,
With the retirement from active Ministry of Fr Manny Bonello, Archbishop Comensoli has brought St Joseph the Worker Parish Reservoir North into the partnership of parishes, including St Gabriel’s Reservoir, St Stephen of Hungary Reservoir East and St Raphael’s Preston West, under the pastoral care of Father Gregory Pritchard and Father Aurelio Fragapane.
Over recent years, the Archbishop has also established a company Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) which brings all Catholic Primary Schools and Diocesan Secondary colleges into one system, governed by an Executive Director, Board and management. MACS employs and appoints all school principals and staffs. MACS policies preclude priests from any information about families, names, addresses and contact details. This frustrates priests in their desire to be available to you and visiting you at home.
Fr Fragapane’s duties in the partnership include school's chaplaincy. This is determined by school authorities, within the limits of timetables and curriculum. School attendance at Mass in St Joseph’s church is also determined by this criteria. The Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation will be published shortly.
The best way for us to get to know each other is by regular attendance at weekend Mass. Please feel that you are welcome. We look forward to meeting you and providing all the help and friendship we can.
Fr Gregory Pritchard
Parish Priest