A Message from the Principal

Dear Families,
We are all enjoying a fabulous start to our term so far. Our SLA students enjoyed camp at Bacchus Marsh, families enjoyed our Art Show last week, and on Friday we had an amazing number of grandparents come to work with their grandchildren in classes all around our school. There is also lots to look forward to with our Athletics Day next Wednesday, our upcoming P&F fun run, not to mention Prep Orientations, Christmas Carols and Year 6 Graduation. There is a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks.
With thanks
On Friday our JLA classes welcomed Waste Wise to our school for an incursion. Frank Cardomone, parent of Billie and Noah, together with his team, worked with our students to discuss how to recycle. The staff and students greatly enjoyed this presentation and at the end of this, we were presented with a $1000 cheque to support us in recycling. Special thanks to Frank Cardomone and his team at Waste Wise for their fabulous incursion and very generous donation.
Athletics Day
Next Wednesday 6th November, students and staff will travel to Meadowglen International Athletics Stadium, 146 McDonalds Road, Epping for our School Athletics Day. All students are expected to attend as part of their Physical Education program, and we will be leaving school by bus no later than 9:00am and returning by 2:30pm.
Students will need to wear their full sports uniform, including their hat, and bring a snack, drink bottle and lunch in a small backpack. While sunscreen will be provided, students are encouraged to bring their own, but NOT coloured zinc. In the interest of allergies, please do not bring lollies or food to share.
We also remind parents that no photography is allowed at this event, as unauthorised or inappropriate sharing of images can infringe the privacy of children and parents.
Nominations for the School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council is calling for nominations for the appointment to the School Advisory Council. We currently have two Council Members whose three-year term has now concluded. If we are to receive three or more nominations, a ballot will be held whereby all parents/guardians of children attending the school will be eligible to vote to elect the parent representatives for the School Advisory Council. Please note that nominations will close on the 6th of November 2024.
School Fees
Thank you to the majority of families who have finalised this year's school fees. There are just a few families who have not finalised their account. I ask that you do so this week. Please contact Marisa if you wish to discuss your account. Fees and levies for 2025 will be sent out to families in coming weeks.
School Uniform
The wearing of the correct school uniform is compulsory for all students. It is now time for all students to wear the correct summer school uniform. Students are required to wear their school hats in Term 4 while at school and are strongly encouraged to wear them when walking to and from school. l remind all families to ensure students have hats, especially next Wednesday at our Sports Day. With the UV index much higher this term,
parents are encouraged to ensure that your child wears sunscreen too.
From Monday November 11th, students without a school hat, will be required to sit in a shaded area during recess and lunch breaks. We will no longer be able to provide 'loan'
hats from the office. Hats are available to be purchased from Academy Uniforms, and we have a small number of new hats for sale at the office.
Happy World Teachers’ Day!
Last Friday was World Teachers Day. This day is a great opportunity for everyone to recognise and show our appreciation not only for our teachers, but all staff members for the important role they play and the wonderful job they do. I would like to thank our staff for all the work they do in educating, nurturing, protecting, supporting, and growing the mind and spirit of our children at St Joseph the Worker. We celebrated last week with a special lunch to recognise, celebrate and give thanks for our excellent staff!
Remembrance Day
Our local RSL Club is selling Remembrance Day poppies in the office, if families are interested in purchasing one for Remembrance Day, please pop in and see Michele.
Prep Orientation Sessions
We are looking forward to seeing all our 2025 Prep families again next week at our second session, and the last session which will take place on the following days:
- Prep Orientation Day Two: Friday 8th November ~ 9.00 am – 10.45 am
- Prep Orientation Day Three: Thursday 21st November ~ 2.00 pm - 3.00pm
A reminder will be sent to all families via the Audiri App.
School Closure Day
A friendly reminder, the school is closed tomorrow Friday, 1st November for staff professional learning. Please note, that there will be no school next week, on Monday November 4th and Tuesday 5th November (Melbourne Cup Day).
Wishing everyone an enjoyable long weekend.
May St Joseph the Worker guide and bless us all
Kind regards,
Maria Barnes
Pilgrimage Reflection St Francis of Assisi
St Francis of Assisi is famous for his deep love and reverence for all of creation. In his Canticle of the Creatures (also known as the Canticle of Brother Sun), Francis refers to elements of nature as his “brothers” and “sisters” including Brother Wind. For Francis, this was a way of expressing his belief in the interconnectedness of all life and his recognition of creation as part of God's divine handiwork.
“Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Wind, and through the air, cloudy and serene, and every kind of weather, through which You give sustenance to Your creatures.” This poetic reference shows Francis’ intimate relationship with the natural world, seeing all elements as a reflection of God’s love and creativity.
Laudato Si’ and the Spirit of St Francis
Laudato Si’ draws inspiration from St Francis’ spirituality. The title itself comes from the opening line of the Canticle of the Creatures, “Laudato Si’, mi Signore” (Praise be to you, my Lord). In the document, Pope Francis emphasises the need for ecological conversion and an integral approach to caring for our common home.
Brother Wind, in this context, reflects the broader theme of how human beings should live in harmony with the environment, respecting the elements of creation, not as resources to exploit, but as fellow creatures with intrinsic value.
Prayer for courage for all pilgrims
I am feeling overwhelmed and afraid
The challenges before me seem too difficult.
I feel unequipped and want to give up.
Renew my weary soul with supernatural courage and strength from your spirit
Help me see things from an eternal perspective
That difficulties are temporary, but your victory is forever.
Anchor my heart in confidence that you are bigger than any force against me
And you promise to all things for my good.
Heighten my trust that as I walk with you,
No obstacle can block the fulfilment of your purposes.
With Christ strengthening me,
I can brave the battles
Trusting you will be my shield and sword
Give me boldness to confront each test
Secure in your love and power to help me stand firm.
I choose to live courageously, Lord
Through your might at work within me.
In Jesus’ name
This is the Basilica of St. Rufinus dating back to 1140 and containing the font where St. Francis and Clare were baptised and the crucifix from which Jesus spoke to St. Francis