Teaching and Learning

News from Prep, One, Two
Firstly, a big thank you to Mrs Lightburn for working in our room during Miss Duffy's leave. The students had a wonderful time and most importantly, did a lot of learning during this time.
We are beginning our unit on money and the students began this week with identifying coins and notes, ordering them by value and totaling coins and notes.
News from Mr Collins
Mr Collins has had a busy start to his week, taking on the Prep to Year Five Students whilst the Year Six girls and Miss Duffy have been at camp. Mr Collins set up two days of reading, writing and maths activities designed to challenge student at their current level of understanding. Students wrote procedural texts, played fractions, percentages and chance games for maths, graphed data related to their names, made their own water cycle as well as did Auslan, reading and PE sessions. I wonder who is more worn out, the kids or Mr Collins?
Art News
This term our main focus is on sculpture. Students began the term making foil figures, with the older students also able to incorporate shadow into their work. The students made coral reefs this week and they are nearly complete- we can not wait to show you.
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
October 16th was World Food Day.
We read The Thank You Dish by Trace Balla. We thought about things we were thankful for and created our own thank you dish.
Students also recreated a happy food memory using magiclay which will be coming home in coming weeks. We had lots of fabulous food talk in class!