From the Office

News From the Principal
Year 3/4 Camp
Our Year 3 and 4 Students attended Camp Kookaburra last week for a three day/two night camp. They were joined by students from our other five Campaspe Small Schools Cluster. This camp is based at Corop and is largely an adventure type camp. The students took part in a range of physical activities such as archery, low ropes course, giant swing ( a real favourite), flying fox, rafting and orienteering (just to name a few). The students also reported that they loved the food, being spoilt with desserts such as chocolate mousse and ice-cream sundaes!
Mr Collins and Miss Duffy tag teamed this camp as our school's staff representatives, with Mr Collins staying the two nights and Miss Duffy attending on the final day of camp. What a team we are at Raywood!
Year 5/6 Camp
This week is the Campaspe Small Schools Cluster camp to Anglesea. Our students left bright and early on Tuesday morning (along with Miss Duffy) and are set to return this afternoon.
Both of our campers have had a fantastic time on this adventure based camp. They have mixed well with their peers from the other five schools and tackled all of the activities.
Some of the activities they participated in were scaling a rock climbing wall, riding the zip line, surfing, archery, orienteering and low ropes course. Weather permitting, they will canoe this morning before we head home.
Book Fair
Our annual Scholastic Book Fair is being held from Monday November 4th until Friday November 8th at the school. We invite families, friends and community members to come up to school anytime between 8am and 4pm to view the selection of books and purchase any that they would like. This is a fantastic opportunity for those who want to get an early start on Christmas shopping. Our students will be bringing home a wish list, but please do not feel under any obligation to purchase all or any of the items on the list.
Payments can be made directly to the office using cash or direct credit to the school. Please see Lisa or Bree for more details.
Melbourne Cup Day Extravaganza
On Tuesday November 5th we invite all students (and staff) to come along to school
dressed as though they were going to the Melbourne Cup. This might mean dressed as someone from the crowd, fashions on the field, a horse, a jockey or even a bookie. We will be hosting a full day of events based around the theme of Melbourne Cup and this will include numeracy, literacy and craft activities. This year we will even be running the Raywood Cup, using our new riding track!
We would like to host a special lunch on this day (as we have for the past few years), in that we ask each family to make a platter or bring along items that can be shared buffet style (we can heat up items if needed). In the past we have had fruit platters, dip, cheeses, nachos, mini hotdogs and quiches, sandwiches and a host of other lunch items both savory and sweet.
Please check in with a member of staff if you have any questions about this event.
Smile Squad- request for parent feedback
As you might be aware, we have had the School Dental Program - ‘Smile Squad’ – attend our school to give the students information on good dental health, undertake dental examinations and, where required, organise follow-up treatment. While the program is voluntary, many of you consented for your child/children to participate in the Smile Squad program.
To better understand the delivery of the Smile Squad program including benefits and challenges, an independent firm (Abt Global) has been engaged to evaluate the program. This is your opportunity to provide feedback on your experience of the program. If you didn’t consent for your child/children to participate in Smile Squad they are also keen to hear from you. The evaluation team want to understand why you chose not to participate. So, whether you participated or not, this is an opportunity to provide feedback so that improvements can be made to the Smile Squad program.
To participate in the evaluation, you can complete a confidential 5–10-minute survey. The survey does not require you to provide any information to the evaluation team that identifies you, however the survey does ask what school your child/children attend. Here is the link to the survey.
We encourage you to participate in this short survey and provide valuable feedback on Smile Squad. If you would like to provide more detailed feedback to the evaluation team, please contact Eleanor at .
On behalf of the students, staff and Raywood Primary School Community, we offer our most heartfelt condolences to Mr Hayden Collins and his family on the loss of Jack Collins (Hayden's Grandfather). Jack had lived and farmed in the Raywood Community all of his life and celebrated his 100th birthday last year with his family.
Please note- the following are Student Free Days for Term 4
- Wednesday October 30th ( Bendigo Cup Day)- we take this day instead of Melbourne Cup Day as we are in the City of Greater Bendigo Shire.
- Wednesday December 4th- Teachers will take this day to finalise assessments and write student reports.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy
Message from Bree in the office
Audrey Felini is collecting clean, empty Mini M&M tubes from now until October. If you have any, please send them to school. These will be used for our end of the year Christmas sessions that Audrey runs for our students.