From the Principal

From the Principal


  • Megumi Horie who was placed in the top 0.3% of the state in the Australian Mathematics Competition. This is an outstanding achievement.
  • To those students who achieved either a credit or distinction in this event:
Junior - Year 7David BroughCredit
Junior - Year 7Georgia DevineCredit
Junior - Year 7Milly DugganCredit
Junior - Year 7Bridie EvenhuisCredit
Junior - Year 7Sophie HauserCredit
Junior - Year 7Elsie HollandCredit
Junior - Year 7Andrew LaingCredit
Junior - Year 7Olivia RuleCredit
Junior - Year 8Lycan MasonCredit
Junior - Year 8Caleb SihCredit
Junior - Year 8Ryan TongCredit
Intermediate - Year 9Megumi HorieHigh Distinction
Intermediate - Year 10Harriet HollandCredit
Senior - Year 11Christopher GuyCredit
Senior - Year 11Timothy PrajogoDistinction
  • To those Secondary students recognised as part of the Indonesian Teachers Award

Year 7/8 – Jeremy Prajogo, Joy and Victoria Johnston

Year 9 – Lola Featherstone, Annie Overton and Abby Hauser


A special congratulations to our Year 12 students. They have now concluded their studies and we had the chance to recognise this important milestone at our Year 12 Final Assembly yesterday. A highlight for me was to listen to Aston Fletcher speak on behalf of Year 12. Aston is a reserved young person and so it was especially significant to have him address the audience yesterday.


We pray for all our Year 11 and 12 students as their TCE exams approach, that they will maintain calm and focus through this final preparation period and that they will be able to enter their exams feeling confident in the foundations they have established this year.


Our Year 6 students are in Sydney and Canberra this week. We look forward to hearing about their adventures when they return. I want to thank Mrs de Lacy, Mr Scott, Mr Richardson and Mrs Adams-Bell who are accompanying the students. Teachers have a special duty of care to our students that is described as ‘loco parentis’, meaning in the place of a parent. As a staff, we are especially conscious of this level of responsibility when we take a group of students on camp.


Last night was our QUEST information evening for 2025. I want to thank Hattie and Elke who spoke so clearly about their experience of QUEST in 2024. Both talked about how facing and overcoming challenges had helped to build their confidence when they experience other difficulties. They talked, for example about how QUEST has enabled them to manage more demanding assessment tasks, by applying positive self-talk and to breaking down the task into smaller components. They also described how the program had helped them to lift their expectations of themselves, as they recognise that they can achieve more than they were previously aware.


Mr Riley explained that while the experiences students encounter as part of the QUEST program are beneficial, the process of setting and reflecting on goals is essential for helping to transfer the lessons learned through the program to other contexts.


Reflection is a powerful springboard for learning to transfer from one situation to another. It can help students, for example, to apply that "learning how to learn" that happens in music lessons or sports training, to support classroom learning. As part of our commitment to holistic education, we want students to understand more about themselves as a learner so they can apply skills such as goal-setting, problem solving and being resourceful to all areas of their lives.


Commit yourself to lifelong learning. The most valuable asset you’ll ever have is your mind and what you put into it. – Albert Einstein


Jodie Bennett
