News from the Library

We have some exciting things happening this year in the library space with Mrs Scifleet. 

Borrowing days are: Monday - Red Class

Wednesday - Green and Blue class. 

Students have been very good at borrowing and returning previously overdue books this term so far, we are hoping to keep this positive trend going. We will send regular reminders home.

We get it, things happen, if a book is damaged still return it and we may be able to fix it at school. If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, please send a note or text to the school phone to inform us. By informing us, we have the opportunity to replace the book without spending too much time following it up. 

The Premier's Reading Challenge runs from the 24/02/2025- 22/08/2025. This will be organised through the school. However, families can help by encouraging students to read at home, read with them or read to children especially in K-2. 


How many books do students need to read?

Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 are challenged to read or experience 30 books. 20 of these books must be from the relevant Challenge booklists, and up to 10 books can be personal choice books. Books can be read with a parent, carer, teacher or another student. 

Students in Year 3 to Year 6 are challenged to read 20 books independently. At least 10 of these books must be from the relevant Challenge booklists, and up to 10 books can be personal choice books. 

The booklists will be on display in the library and staff will assist students to choose appropriate books. 


Thank you for your ongoing support! 


Mrs Scifleet