Red Class News 

Miss Graham

Term One has started a little differently for K/1 this year. During literacy and numeracy, Miss Graham is teaching Kindergarten at the front of the room , while Miss Kennedy (previously known as Miss Maddy) works with Year One at the back of the room. This setup allows students to get more focused teaching at their level.


Kindergarten has been working hard on learning to write their name correctly, with the goal of writing it from memory. They have also been learning about rhyming words, breaking words into syllables, and speaking in full sentences. This week, they will begin learning letters and sounds, which is an exciting step towards reading!

Year One has been revising the sounds they learned last year and exploring different types of words, including nouns, adjectives and verbs. These skills will help them become more confident readers and writers.


K/1 students have been focusing on building strong number skills. Kindergarten has been working on counting objects one by one and recognising numbers, as well as learning to write numbers correctly.

Year One has been exploring number patterns, such as counting by twos, and learning to order numbers on a number line. They have also been using MAB blocks (base ten blocks) to help them understand how numbers are made up of tens and ones.

This term, K/1 has also been learning about data. They have been asking questions, gathering information, and representing their findings in simple graphs. One fun activity involved sorting M&Ms by colour, counting how many of each they had, and creating a graph to show which colours were most and least common.

Science and Music

In science, K/1 has been learning about different materials and their properties, using words like hard, soft, rough, smooth, shiny and dull to describe them. 

Recently, they were given a design challenge to create a chair for one of their stuffed toys. They first drew a plan, then built their chair using different materials. It was wonderful to see students thinking creatively and problem-solving when their designs didn’t go as planned! Finally, they tested their chairs to see if they were strong enough to hold their toys.


In music, students have been exploring sound and movement, learning to keep a beat. They have enjoyed experimenting with different sounds and rhythms through fun and interactive activities.

NRL Sport Clinic

Last Friday, all students took part in the NRL Sport Clinic, where they learned new skills and played new games. Some of these games will continue to be used throughout the year in K/1

K/1 is slowly but surely settling into the routines of school, and we are so proud of their progress so far!