Year 7 First Day

Our 2025 Year 7 students had a fabulous start at Oxley. Students have come together from different primary school settings, uniting as a new cohort, to embark on a journey of learning and growth, filled with excitement and challenges.
On the first day of Term 1 our dedicated staff helped welcome some nervous and excited Year 7 students at the Middle School basketball courts. Many parents joined us to celebrate their child’s significant milestone of transitioning into Senior School. The students had an opportunity to mingle with their peers and find their buddies. They were then lined up and taken into their classrooms by their Home Group teachers for their new adventure. Parents had an opportunity to stay for refreshments and socialise with other parents in the Dining Room. They were also introduced to key staff supporting their children throughout the year.
In their classrooms, students were taken through an induction program to assist them in understanding the expectations on behaviour and uniforms, reading their timetables and how to use their new locks. They were encouraged to seek help if they felt overwhelmed. Lockers were assigned, and students were taught how to organise their materials for each subject. They had the opportunity to attend their first Senior School Assembly, where they were addressed by Mr Michael Bond, Mr James Avram and the College captains.
During recess and lunch, students played basketball or down ball, and some forged new friendships while eating snacks and chatting. After lunchtime, all students participated in a mapping activity, which allowed them to explore the campus while marking off key locations and finding answers to the quiz. Students were rewarded with refreshing icy poles on their expedition.
Overall, all students felt a sense of excitement, mingled with anxiety. Most students have now settled into a routine, thriving in learning and personal development, knowing they have an incredible support system that believes in their individual potential to flourish. Year 7 will be a year of new challenges and opportunities for growth.
Joshua 1: 9 states,
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
I hope this offers encouragement and reassurance for all our new students during times of change and new beginnings.
Vinita Seago
Year 7 Coordinator