Senior Sport

Years 7-12 House Swimming Carnival

The Senior School House Swimming Carnival was held at the Croydon Memorial Outdoor Swimming Pool on Monday 10 February in perfect weather for an outdoor event. It was a very close competition between the three Houses this year with each one taking the lead throughout the day. 


The winner of this year’s House Swimming Carnival is Tabor Trojans (White House) with 1,008 points, followed by Zion Crusaders (Blue House) on 980 points and Gibeon Warriors (Red House) finished third, with only a 2-point difference, on 978 points. Gibeon Warriors (Red House)won the House Spirit trophy in a close battle with Blue House. 


The U/16 50m Freestyle record held by Une G (Class of 2024) of 28.80 seconds was broken by two students, Hanson S (9.9)finishing in28.43 seconds and Sanaa G (10.2) finishing in 28.53 seconds. Congratulations to Hanson and Sanaa!

The Carnival finished with a novelty event by our House Captains and Vice Captains to end the day in great spirit. The points accumulated by each House are shown below.

HousePoints Place 
Tabor Trojans (White)1,0081st
Zion Crusaders (Blue)9802nd
Gibeon Warriors (Red)9783rd

Congratulations to Tabor Trojans for winning the House Swimming trophy and to Gibeon Warriors for winning the Spirit trophy. All students who competed are to be congratulated for their contribution to their team’s points as well as to all the students on the stands who contributed to the House spirit. 


Champion Swimmers

In particular, the following group champions are to be recognised for their outstanding efforts as they represented their respective Houses.

 Girl Swimming ChampionsBoy Swimming Champions
Year 7

1st – Tahlia M (7.2)

2nd – Jocelyn D (7.1)

3rd Shazia G (7.4) and Evie R (7.1)

1st – Lachie W (7.1)

2nd – Edward A (7.2)

3rd – Edwin W (7.1)

Year 8

1st – Imogen S (8.8)

2nd – Mia F (8.6)

3rd – Hayley C (8.8)

1st – Joe P (8.8)

2nd – Jonathan N (8.8)

3rd – William X (8.8)

Year 9

1st – Ella F (9.10)

2nd – Amelia M (9.10)

3rd – Imogen R (9.11)

1st – Hanson S (9.9)

2nd – Ryder H (9.10)

3rd – Joshua l (9.11)

Year 10

1st – Tori S (10.1)

2nd – Brielle H (10.4)

3rd – Luana D (10.1)

1st – Sanaa G (10.2)

2nd – Tom W (10.2)

3rd – Josh B (10.) and Jack D (10.4)


(Yr 11 & 12)

1st – Lucy W (11.14)

2nd – Kaitlyn H (11.14)

3rd – Charlotte M (11.15)

1st – Henry Z (11.15)

2nd – Johann Y (12.8)

3rd – Daniel B (12.7)

EISM Division 2 Swimming Competition

Students selected to represent Oxley at the EISM Division 2 Swimming Competition to be held on Tuesday 4 March at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC) at Albert Park have been informed regarding their places in this event. Swimmers who will represent Oxley during this event will depart for MSAC early on this day from Oxley Stadium by bus. They are to meet Mr Kotzé on Court 3 at 7.00am for a 7.10am departure. 



Frederik Kotzé

Head of Sport