Samaritan’s Purse Trip to Cambodia

Student Reflection
From Friday 17 to Sunday 26 January we, along with nine other students, and a selection of teachers, had the privilege of being able to participate in a mission trip to Cambodia. With Samaritan’s Purse leading at the forefront, we eagerly travelled across three provinces of the nation including Siem Reap, Pailin, and Kamrieng. We had the opportunity to attend worship and devotions with Samaritan’s Purse to start our days. After this, we would travel by bus which was a highlight for many, with the songs we got to sing, and the challenge of not spilling any hydrolyte on the bumpy roads!
When visiting the schools, we were warmly welcomed by children and staff. The most memorable part was when at one of the schools, we walked through a guard of honour that was formed by hundreds of children. While there was a language barrier, it didn’t stop us from interacting with the kids whether it was with hugs, getting covered in stickers, or singing songs to them on the guitar. The favourite being My Lighthouse. It was hard to leave them but we couldn’t say good-bye without sharing our gifts which included school stationery, a football and soccer balls (including pumps) and frisbees, which were popular. As a group, we had raised funds towards purchasing a guitar, which we were able to gift it as a reminder of our visit.
Under the guidance of the Samaritan’s Purse staff, we had the privilege of experiencing and learning about the multitude of projects in place, which not only benefit the community but help bring people closer to God. We were introduced to various livestock projects including bee keeping, raising goats, and chicken projects. We saw not only how each project was rolled out into these communities but also the numerous benefits and positive influence they sustain on people’s lives and families. All whilst holding some very cute animals!
Throughout our itinerary we were given various opportunities to extend our own help to Cambodia. We were privileged to assist in the construction of water filters, including the filling of concrete moulds. Painting various murals upon newly built bathroom blocks and water filters within a school was also a highlight.
Ultimately, the Cambodia trip was nothing short of a trip of a lifetime. To see the unique ways God moves through Cambodia through Samaritan’s Purse has been inspiring. Especially so, having witnessed the small church we visited on our first weekend – praising and loving our Heavenly Father. We have been incredibly privileged to experience such an immense display of compassion – evident in the Samaritan’s Purse staff and locals, instilling a wider sense of community, in Jesus’ name.
It’s safe to say this trip has changed every team member for the better and despite bittersweet feelings now that we are back in Australia, we know that this Cambodia trip has opened both our eyes and hearts to God.
Mikayla S (12.7) and Jett S (12.7)
Senior School Leaders