General Notices

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) – Information for Parents and Concession Card Holders
CSEF funding is made available by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families cover the costs of camps, sport, and excursions, which are included in fees that are billed to your school account.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card, (e.g. Centrelink Health Care Card), or you are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF funding.
The annual CSEF amount per student is:
1. $154 for primary school students
2. $256 for secondary school students
For more information about CSEF, and to download the CSEF application form, visit Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund | Victorian Government ( An application form may also be obtained from the College Office. Application forms must be lodged with the College by the end of Term 1 (Friday 4 April) to assist us with processing documents.
Please note that the College is required to sight any relevant concession cards that you may hold to support eligibility for the CSEF. Therefore, please either bring your concession card with you, if you are dropping off your application at the College Office or email a copy of your concession card with your application to Dawn Pryor, Accounts Receivable Officer,
Upon approval by the Victorian Government, the allowance will be paid to the College, which will then be applied to your school account.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dawn Pryor, by email, or by telephone on 9727 9900.
Jin Ai Tan
Business Manager
First Aid Update
At Oxley Christian College, we have several students who are at risk for potentially life-threatening allergies (anaphylaxis). Most students with anaphylaxis are allergic to foods, in particular nuts, and with this in mind we are requesting that parents do not send any nuts or nut-based products to school. This does not just apply to the lunch box but also to materials used for projects and art particularly those that have labels with may contain traces of nuts.
If your child has been diagnosed with allergies or anaphylaxis, it is a requirement that the College is notified, and that an Allergy or Anaphylaxis Action Plan is supplied with the appropriate medication.
Asthma and other chronic conditions
If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy or any other chronic condition, it is a requirement that the College is notified, and that a medical plan such as an Asthma Action Plan, Diabetes Management plan or similar, is supplied with the appropriate medication signed by the treating doctor. If you do not have a current plan (less than 12 months old) the first aid staff will soon be contacting you to request that this information be supplied.
All students requiring medication during the school day should have their medication stored in the First Aid office along with an administration of medication form which is found on the parent portal. First Aid staff must see the original container and record expiry dates before this medication can be administered.
If the First Aid staff can assist with any enquiries or support for your student, please don’t hesitate to contact them on 9727 9940.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Wendy Booth
First Aid Coordinator
We have limited vacancies for next year and would encourage you to submit your Enrolment Application Form as soon as possible if you wish your child to be considered for a place.
We are now accepting enrolments for 2027 and beyond (particularly Prep and Year 7) and look forward to hearing from you if you wish to enrol your child(ren).
Notice to Withdraw
Parents are reminded of their obligation to give the College one full term’s notice, in writing to the Principal, if their children are not continuing at Oxley Christian College. The lack of one term’s notice will result in the payment of one term’s Tuition Fees.
It is also a legal requirement for you to inform us of the school to which your child’s enrolment is transferring.
Caroline Lewis
Director of Admissions
Oxley Kids
Oxley Kids is now taking enrolments for 2026 and beyond. We are also looking for an Administration Assistant and Diploma qualified educators. To enquire, contact Oxley Kids on 9727 9200 or email
Open 6.30am - 6.30pm | 9727 9200 |
Kim Sopar
Oxley Kids Director