From the Principal

Welcome to the new school year at Oxley Christian College. We are pleased to see the many returning students and families on campus. A special greeting goes out to all the new students and families joining our College community for the first time. I would also like to warmly welcome the new staff members who have joined our team. It has been wonderful to hear the lively sounds of students across the College grounds since their return from school holidays.


Recently, we had the pleasure of welcoming students from Prep and Year 7. We know that Prep and Year 7 are crucial transitional years in our students' learning journeys, and we are committed to supporting them. Our staff enjoyed meeting new parents at our First Day Morning Teas and curriculum information even, building connections within our College community. 


I am delighted to join the Oxley community as Principal this year. I extend a heartfelt thank you to the staff, students and families who have made me feel very welcome! I am looking forward to getting to know you more during the coming weeks. I also extend thanks to Ps Graham Nelson and the Directors of LMC Ltd for the opportunity to serve the College community in this role. 


At Oxley, we dedicate ourselves to the holistic formation of every student, ensuring that their education shapes not just their mind but their heart and spirit as well. Grounded in our Christ-centred approach, we aim for our students to encounter truth, goodness and beauty throughout their time at the College, which we pray will cultivate wisdom and virtue. Our Vision highlights our desire to see our students delight in God’s love through inspired learning. We look forward to a wide range of special events during Term 1 to help our students flourish in their learning and formation. 


May I take this opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding results achieved by the VCE students at Oxley in 2024 with the support of the staff at the College. 48% of students achieved an ATAR exceeding 90. The College had a median study score of 34, which is an outstanding outcome. Well done to the VCE teachers, Senior School teachers, Middle School teachers, Junior School teachers, support staff and general staff who all supported our students on their learning journey. We continue to pray for our graduates as they commence preparing for a broad range of pathways.


It has been special to hear some initial student and staff reflections about the 2025 Discovery Mission Trip to Cambodia with Samaritan’s Purse. Thank you to the staff and students who represented the College on this annual trip during January. 


It was my pleasure to launch the College’s theme for 2025 at several school events during the first two weeks of Term 1. The theme and verse for the year encourages, guides, inspires, and challenges us as a Christian community in the year ahead.


Our theme this year is Connection. I pray this year, that we can be encouraged by the words in John 15:5.


This year, we have an opportunity to deepen our connection with God and strengthen our connections with those around us within our College community. Through worship, learning, service, and life at the College, we seek to foster a community where relationships flourish and connections deepen for God’s glory.


I look forward to connecting with you throughout the year.


Working together, 


Michael Bond
