Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: Working on general multiplication skills and number facts.
Parent Information Night: Thank you to all of those that could attend. If you were unable to make it, your child was provided a handout of the information discussed. Please email us with any questions related to the content shared, or anything related that you are unsure about.
ICT iPad Agreement: Thank you to the families that have returned the ICT iPad Agreement form. We have begun using iPads in class. Those students who have not returned a signed agreement will not be able to use iPads at school until the form is received.
iPad Keyboard and Headphones: Please ensure your child has working headphones and a keyboard. The iPad keyboard will be important in the development of keyboard skills which will be part of their class learning. The headphones will be regularly used in class for a variety of purposes. Again, thank you for helping with this. These are both available for purchase through the uniform shop. This is a requirement for Year 5s to complete NAPLAN, with a practise day in Week 5.
Year 6 Jumpers: With the arrival of Year 6 jumpers, please note that the manufacturer recommends that they be washed and dried inside out. Please label these items.
Camp: Camp will be held on Monday 17th-Wednesday 19th February (Week 4) at Victor Harbor. This will be an aquatics camp that will include beach activities such as boogie boarding. Thank you to those parents that have emailed to indicate you would like to volunteer. We aim to let those know ASAP so you can make the arrangements required.
Consent Forms: Please promptly return the camp information and PG movie consent forms.
Current and Upcoming Learning
Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop: In these beginning weeks, we will be launching our literacy workshops and introducing routines and expectations. Students can begin their Premier’s Reading Challenge and we believe that regular reading is the greatest way to improve as a reader.
Mathematics: Students are continuing to explore place value in the context of addition and subtraction practice. In Week 3, we will move onto the processes of multiplication and division.
Inquiry: This term has begun with students doing activities around the Learner Profile Attributes. They will then be looking at the characteristics of leadership as they move towards camp.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Jade Fielke
Jayne Zadow