From the School Leadership Team

Parent Information Night
Thank you to all of our families who were able to join us for Parent Information Night (PIN Night) on Wednesday. it was a fantastic evening of community and we are thankful for our teaching team and all of their plans and routines that they were able to share for the year ahead. We are also thankful for the great work of our P & F Committee, led by Sarah Kumela is supporting us with the amazing drinks and nibblies for the evening. There are a number of P & F events coming up this year and we would love a hand with volunteers for these, even if it is only for one of these events, every little bit of assistance helps and is greatly appreciated.
Some of these events include the Foundation Parent Welcome BBQ, Busy Bee to improve the Nature Play space, Bingo Night, and much more.
Bus Upgrade
Flowing on from the exciting news about our playground upgrades last week, with the resurfacing of the basketball and netball courts complete as well as the addiitons to our nature play, this week we are excited to announce that one of our buses has been officially upgraded. Our new bus carries up to 30 students, making it easier for classes to be able to travel on excursions as part of their learning. it will also epand our capacity for our morning and afternoon bus runs as well as our range of options of venues that vacation care are able to visit. Thanks to Tanya Rowland, our Business Manager, and Rodney Langman and Darryl Bischoff our bus drivers with arranging our new bus and all of the logistics with delivery.
Thanks also to Rod Sawtell at Big Yellow Rocket for the fantastic signage!
Junior Youth and Youth Launch
It is so exciting that our Junior Youth and Youth programmes will be launching again this year on Friday afternoon. Junior Youth for Foundation to Year 5 will run from 3.45pm - 5.30pm. and Youth for Years 6 - 12 from 5.30pm - 8.30pm. All families from Junior Youth and Youth are most welcome to join us for a BBQ together for children, youth and parents at 5.30pm.
Volunteering in the School
We appreciate many families giving of their time and expertise to volunteer in the school, whether it be with our school canteen, P & F Events, school camps, GLOW Week or classroom assistance. A reminder to please ensure that your WWCC details are up to date, along with RAHN and VSC training. Further information on our volunteering requirements is available from our website.
TASS Parent Lounge
TASS Parent Lounge is our online parent portal. This is a great way to be able to check that your contact details and your child's medical details are up to date, as well as to be able to view the school calendar.
Please check your email for your login information - and you are most welcome to be in touch with us if you have any queries around the login process.
Pastor - call process
As many of our families would be aware, our previous pastor, Pastor Greg, accepted a call to Faith Lutheran College in Queensland back in November 2023. Our church congregation have formed a 'call committee' to undertake the process of calling, of inviting a new pastor to serve at Golden Grove Lutheran Church and in our school community. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for this process.
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events to commence the year:
Friday 7 February - BBQ Evening for Ignite and Youth Groups
Thursday 13 February - Anniversary of the Apology
Monday 17 - Wednesday 19 February - Year 5/6 Camp
Wednesday 26 February - Principal Tours
Friday 28 February - Ignite Water Evening
Tuesday 4 March - Middle of Term Breakfast - Shrove Tuesday Pancakes
Wednesday 5 March - Ash Wednesday
Our full school calendar can also be viewed on the school website.
Will Wallace
Welcome back (or welcome to)!
While we are well and truly underway, I hope that the start of the school year has been a successful one. Some of you would know that at times the beginning of the year can be challenging for some – new class, new teacher, new room and new faces. For our Foundations everything is new. Some students find some of these aspects of school daunting.
Be positive and support your child through this. Having challenges is important and facing something that is different helps build many skills in life.
I have attached an article from Justin Coulson (Happy Families) that looks at the start of the year and how you can support your child. It is well worth the read if your child is having any anxious moments.
Tim Kriewaldt
Deputy Principal