
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:44,45a).
It can often be quite difficult to forgive others for things that have upset us. Often other people around us have not intended to upset us and have only unconsciously done so.
The struggle to forgive is a common emotion in our fallen world. Often these issues replay in our heads, and can be hard to move past and resolve. Only Jesus was able to fully forgive others and is able to show us the way to interact with those who have upset us.
Our response if an understandably human one and of course, Jesus has a diving response. Let us be encouraged by these verses to connect with God, reflect on the Bible and take time to pray for the issue at hand. This will soften our hearts and we can trust God's hand is on the situation we bring to Him.
It is difficult for us to fulfil Jesus’ command to love and pray for our 'enemies' in our own strength. But when we seek God and his way, we can attain this love with gratitude, freedom and peace.
Dear God,
We thank you for the reminder that we can bring all things to you in prayer and trust in you. Thank you for the way that you are sovereign over all situations and can help to bring about forgiveness and harmony.
Will Wallace