5/6 News…

Healthy Body Homework
Our Year 5 and 6 students have had their weekly homework tasks commence this past week. Each week, senior students are expected to complete at least one Matharoo sheets (there are four levels), as well as their weekly task, which is linked to our Integrated unit of work.
This week, students were asked to submit posters, stating a number of facts about their body, and the human body in general. See below for some examples of the work that was handed in this week.
Round Robin Sports starts in two weeks
Our senior students will be spending Thursday 6 March, in the first of two gala days, participating in one of the five sports for our Doncaster District Sports Winter Round Robin.
Students will be playing one of cricket, basketball, tennis, softball or rounders at a range of different venues around the Doncaster district.
The second of the two days will be in the last week of the term.
Payment and permission will be available on Compass next week.