Principals' Message
Mrs Vesdrevanis and Mrs Rassias
Principals' Message
Mrs Vesdrevanis and Mrs Rassias
We are excited to see you this evening at the Welcome Back BBQ and Stomp Performance. Thank you to all the parent helpers and the community for being flexible with the rescheduling of the event. The students have been working hard to learn the dances today, and we are eager to see them perform and showcase their talents. A special thank you to Erin Cotsford and the Parents and Friends Group, as well as Mrs. Keep, Mrs. Rassias, and Mrs. Rubython for their efforts in organising and preparing for this much-loved event at our school
Congratulations to our District Swimmers for representing our school with pride and success. Mrs Rassias and I wish the following students all the best at the Division Swimming Carnival:
Anton, Oliver M, Jonti and Jovan along with the 2 relay teams (9/10 Boys Freestyle and 12 Girls Freestyle)
Well done and best wishes!
Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.
Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy (please refer to policy on our school website) describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.
We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information.
If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ privacy policy: information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages: