
In the coming weeks library and Middle Years staff will be recruiting for the Year 7 Readers’ Cup competition. Three to four students from each class will form a team, read 3 set books, make a book trailer, and compete in a quiz to win the trophy (and the glory) in Term 2. The top three teams will receive a pizza lunch! 

(The top three-placed teams from last year’s Year 7 Readers’ Cup)


Our Regular Readers Raffle is held each term for keen readers. A student seen reading in the library (outside of class time) three times during the term will receive one “raffle ticket” and have the chance to win caf vouchers in the draw held at the end of term. The more times they are seen reading, the more chance they will have of winning. 

(Students reading in the library at lunchtime)


The Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge will open soon! The Challenge is open to students in Years 7 to 10, and those who sign-up are required to read at least 15 books by early September. Students who complete the Challenge are given a pizza lunch and go into a draw to win a Dymocks gift voucher later in the year. We have had great interest so far and look forward to signing-up more students! 

(Students who successfully completed the Challenge last year proudly show off their certificates)


Book of the Week

  Mawson in Antarctica: to the ends of the earth 

by Joanna Grochowicz 

Mawson in Antarctica is the thrilling story of a group of young men who travel to Antarctica to explore and stake a claim for Australia. It tells the true story of Douglas Mawson’s expedition in 1911, when men and their sledge dogs were tested to the limits of their abilities in an unforgiving environment.


Mawson in Antarctica is a true story, but it reads like a novel, and the author does a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life. The story is easy to follow, with illustrations and maps to help you along the way.


Mawson’s men are young and eager to prove themselves, and excited to be on a great adventure but tragedy awaits… In 1911, Antarctica is still only half explored, and one of the most dangerous places on Earth. Explorers risk frostbite, starvation, freezing temperatures, and hurricane-force winds in their quest to conquer the barren continent.


Suitable for Year 7 and above – for those who love adventure!


Susan Winfield