Student Leadership

Student Leadership – Form Captains
In 2025, students have the opportunity to apply for a Form Captain student leadership role. There will be two Form Captains for each class. Their purpose is to lead, uphold, and exemplify the school values of Respect, Opportunity and Resilience; serving as a voice and role model for their Form & House.
Form Captain Responsibilities
- Leadership and Role Modelling:
- Lead by example within the Form, within the House and across the school.
- Strive for the highest standards in all aspects of school life.
Demonstrate the School Values of Respect, Opportunity, and Resilience.
- House and School Engagement:
- Assist and speak at House Assemblies in collaboration with House Captains.
- Support and contribute to House fundraising initiatives.
Attend and represent the school at key events and carnivals, including Open Evening (Tuesday 25th March).
- Student Support and Mentorship:
- Welcome and assist new students in their transition into the House.
Provide guidance and support to peers within the Form group.
- School Spirit, Community Involvement and Communication
- Promote and encourage participation in House and school-wide events to foster a sense of belonging and teamwork.
- Organise and lead small group discussions or activities to strengthen Form identity and engagement.
- Represent student perspectives by providing feedback to improve our school.
- Share important school and House messages with the Form group.
- Assist in gathering student opinions through surveys or discussions to improve school experiences.
- Take an active role in whole-school student leadership forums or focus groups.
If there are more than two candidates from your class, Form Assembly teachers will facilitate elections. See the election timeline below.
Election timeline:
Form Assembly – Tuesday 18th February (Week 4)
- Obtain a speech planning form from your teacher in Form Assembly.
- Think deeply about why you would like to apply for this leadership opportunity and write a speech using the questions to assist you.
House Assembly – Tuesday 25th February (Week 5)
- House Captains and House Leaders will publicise the Form Captain opportunity at House Assembly.
Form Assembly – Tuesday 4th & 11th March (Week 6 & 7)
- Present your pre-prepared speech to the class.
- You may use your planning sheet or cue cards to assist you.
- If there are more than two candidates from your class, Form Assembly teachers will organise an anonymous class vote.
House Assembly – Tuesday 18th March (Week 8)
- Form Captains will be announced at House Assembly.
Please see your Form Assembly teacher, House Captain, House Leader or Mr Hosking if you have any questions.