Important dates
Important dates
Students must wear a school hat while outdoors
Students must wear a school broadbrimmed or legionnaires hat only
More information in the upcoming Events section
Tuesday 4th- School Photo Day- more information to come
Wednesday 5th- Volunteer Induction Session-
more information in the 'Upcoming Events' section
Thursday 6th- Year 6 Local Walk
Friday 7th- School Picnic- more information to come
Monday 10th- Labour Day Public Holiday- no school on this day
Wednesday 12th- NAPLAN begins for Year 3 & 5 students- more information to come
Friday 4th- Last day of Term 1- students dismissed at 2:30pm
Monday 21st- Easter Monday Public Holiday- no school on this day
Tuesday 22nd- Term 2 begins
Friday 25th- ANZAC DAY public holiday- no school on this day