Learning News 3/4
Mrs Bec Russell and Mrs Justine Harris
Learning News 3/4
Mrs Bec Russell and Mrs Justine Harris
We are very lucky to be in the front classroom surrounded by windows and bright sunlight with freshly painted walls and cupboards. Our bags also look very neat and tidy with our new bag hooks.
In maths this week we have been learning to apply an understanding of place value and the role of zero to represent numbers to at least tens of thousands. We have been writing, and making numbers up to and including thousands using physical or virtual manipulatives, words, numerals, diagrams and digital displays. Below is a warm up activity that we did before the main lesson starts.
Our first Big Write was a narrative about a monster which produced some interesting ideas and wow words. We will continue to focus on our stamina to increase the speed in which we can write to lengthen our writing.
In one lesson of Religion, following a discussion on Creation, we imagined what it would be like to create any animal, creature, or living thing. The students thoroughly enjoyed the task and were creative in their thinking, reasoning and design.
Although we miss swimming, we have enthusiastically been taking part in cricket and soon hope to begin a competition in teams that Mrs Abell has called the Small Smash.
Finally, a task in Science was to select certain living things to take to a new planet that could coexist. It took some students a considerate amount of time to work this out. When responses were being checked, some feedback examples were: If you take a lion and a cow, do you think the lion would eat the cow? Or what is the cow going to eat? Eventually everyone came up with an appropriate list.
We are looking forward to meeting with parents next week.