Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Deb McDouall
Religious Education Coordinator
Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Deb McDouall
Religious Education Coordinator
School Masses
Our remaining school masses for Term 1 are listed below for your information. Everyone is most welcome to join us for these celebrations and our young people love to see family members and friends at our masses! As a lovely treat, we encourage families to sit together in these celebrations after the children complete any 'jobs' they may have for the mass.
For our young people who are Catholic, we run Sacramental preparation programs within the school year. These are completed within class times.
First Reconciliation - Wednesday, 26th March at 3.45pm (for those in year 2)
First Holy Communion - Sunday, 22nd June at 9am (for those in year 3)
Notes for First Reconciliation have gone home this week.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Lenten Groups
As part of our prayerful preparation during Lent leading up to Easter, the school will be facilitating Lenten prayer groups each week based on the Metanoia program from the Diocese of Wollongong. This is open to any adult in our community and you are most welcome to join us in our school library on Mondays, 3.45pm OR Thursdays, 4pm starting on Monday 3rd March. Please let the school know if you are coming, so that we can print out a booklet for you to have.
Parish Masses
As we share our Parish Priest with other towns (Manilla and Attunga), weekend masses at St John's Barraba follow a cycle:
1st Sunday of the month = SATURDAY mass at 6pm DLST
2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month = SUNDAY mass at 9am
May God continue to bless us all as we journey the year together as the community of St Joseph's School.