Being Well at Magill

Hello Magillians!


We’ve made it to the end of Week 4, and our students are getting more comfortable in their new classrooms. It’s been wonderful to see our new Receptions growing in confidence as they explore more parts of the school during playtime. Our new and returning students across all year levels are settling in well, thanks to the routines and programs that have been set up.


Classroom teachers have been working hard to create positive and clear routines, which help all students feel supported and engaged during learning time.


Our students are also busy helping to keep our school a positive and friendly place. Our Year 6 leaders are preparing for their first school tour next week, and the new Student Action Team representatives will hold classroom meetings to continue projects from last year, including the native garden and frog pond! They are also working on exciting new initiatives for everyone.


Have a fabulous weekend, and stay tuned for more updates about our action teams, school leaders, and other events around the school!


Best wishes,

The wellbeing team.




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