St John's First Aid training for primary school students

This week our entire student cohort participated in first aid training provided by St. John Victoria.


The lessons were suited to each age group.  


The preps were read a story and discussed the importance of determining what is considered an emergency. They were taught how to dial 000 for the Ambulance, Fire Truck or Police.

The song that was sung at the end of the prep session…


D is for danger

Must protect ourselves

Must protect others

First we have to look

Then we have to listen

Then we have to smell


R is for response

Call out their name

Squeeze their shoulders

One, two


S is send for help


Don’t forget.


The Year 5/6 students learned the meaning behind DRSABCD - Danger, Response, Send, Airway, Breathing, CPR, Defibrillation and learned how to put a patient into the recovery position. Plus, they attempted CPR on the CPR dummy. 


“The knowledge and skills gained in this First Aid in Schools Program will develop First Aid awareness in school children and contribute to building a more resilient community. This learning is age-appropriate and integrates with the Victoria Curriculum F-10. 

Bringing to life the importance of First Aid and what to do in an emergency, including calling 000 and performing CPR, is our passion. The interactive games, Storytime and Action Plan scenarios make the program very enjoyable.”


Further Information can be found at:


Sarah and Trudy

First Aid