STEM and Technology news
Ahoy Scientists!
These past two weeks have been busy in STEM. Our Preps have moved from looking at the night sky to how weather changes, even making their very own pinwheels in this week’s blustery weather.
The 1/2s have finished their unit on ‘The World Up Close’ and are now studying clouds and storm formation (very topical, almost tropical, this week!).
In 3/4 and 5/6 our students are up to the ‘ideate’ phase of their projects. The 3/4s have begun designing their planet saving inventions while the 5/6s are looking at ways to survive, thrive and explore Mars!
As the Buath Gurru season (refer to our Kulin Calendar) gets underway be prepared for more changeable weather, wind and an easing of rain. Now is the time to see brown butterflies, grass flowers and you’ll begin to see bats earlier in the evening.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Lewis