Library News & Diary Dates

Library News
Student borrowing from the library ceases on Friday 1st December with ALL students books DUE by Wednesday 4th December 2023.
Year 6 students must return all school library resources before they leave the school!! Also any students with lost books need to replace them or make a donation before the end of the year.
As I'm away on long service leave until 2024 please contact the school office with any queries
regarding the library and overdue books - thank you!
Best wishes and happy reading from
Ms Robinson
Diary Dates
For all diary/event dates please click here to go to our website calendar.
24th - Whole School Disco
27th - Instrumental Music Concert 6-8pm
28th - Japanese Activities Morning
30th - Uniform Shop Open
1st - Last day to borrow books from the Library
4th - Library books due back
8th - Whole School End of Year Celebration/Concert
2023 Term Dates
Term 1 - Tuesday 30th January - Thursday 6th April
Term 2 - Monday 24th April - Friday 23rd June
Term 3 - Monday 10th July - Friday 15th September
Term 4 - Monday 2nd October - Wednesday 20th December
Curriculum Days
6th November
4th December